"Women and children’s rights guarantees and deduction of deposits from the punishment" Among the most prominent materials "Criminal procedures" Al -Maqarah today

The House of Representatives, in its general session held today, Tuesday, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, agreed to a number of articles of the new criminal procedures bill, which represent new guarantees for women and children rights in line with the national strategy for human rights and relevant international standards, as well as on a proposal The Minister of Justice, by adding the phrase (and other periods stipulated in its opponent) to Article (450) regarding the deduction of the period of pre -trial detention and the period of arrest from the period of the punishment restricted to freedom, to include the deduction of the deposit periods of all kinds.
This came according to the statement of the House of Representatives Today regarding what the session ended today, on discussions of the articles of the new criminal procedure bill, in the presence of the Counselor, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Parliamentary and Legal Affairs and political communication, and members of the sub -committee that prepared the draft law, most notably: the captain of the lawyers, representatives of the Ministry of Interior, the Senate , The Supreme Judicial Council, the Bar Association, and the National Council for Human Rights. From the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee and the Office of the Human Rights Committee. Which represents new guarantees for the rights of women and children in accordance with the National Strategy for Human Rights and related international standards. Which was approved by the council in yesterday’s session, where the Minister of Justice affirmed that the limits and scope of the application of this article is related to the absentee rulings issued in a felony of criminal courts, and there is no truth to say that the provisions of this article are accompanied by the absence rulings issued in misdemeanors, noting that the draft law established a precise budget Between the implementation of the right of society to punishment and the guarantee of defense rights, the interest of one of the parties to the criminal lawsuit is not overcome on the other. Denying the accused of disposing of his money or administration or filing a lawsuit in his name) but rather is merely threatening measures to carry the accused in a felony against the court to achieve his defense in a fair and fair trial, stressing that these measures all fall as soon as he was arrested or attended and asked to be tried. p>
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In the same context, the counselor, the head of the council, confirmed that what was published in some websites on this article was fragmented and different from the truth, as this article is not updated and is present in the current law a year ago 1950, and that the joint committee added a phrase that is considered a praiseworthy, which is the phrase (not to prejudice the rights of Hosni from the intention of others) to emphasize the protection of all the actions or obligations that were concluded from Hosni in intent to be marred by any invalidity, and it is one of the guarantees developed in the new draft law. /p>
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The President of the Council stressed that Article 368 is consistent with Article 35 of the Constitution, and that there is no prevention from disposing of funds or its management except based on a judicial ruling, calling on everyone to read the provisions of the draft law As a single unit, without shaping its texts. The period of arrest from the period of the punishment restricted to freedom, in order to include the deduction of the deposit periods of all kinds, and the deduction of what may be stipulated in any special laws in the future from the period of the punishment, in order to enhance human rights and protect public freedoms.
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> And with the end of today’s session, the council has approved 464 articles of the draft law, provided that the council will complete the discussion of the rest of the articles in the upcoming public sessions.
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