With infiltration and video .. "Agriculture" The Ministry’s activities are reviewed within a week

The Center for Voice and Voice Information, affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, released & quot; weekly infographic & quot; In its No. 238 on harvesting the most important activities of the ministry during the past week from 7 to 13 March, in cooperation with the Ministry’s media office, and the center also issued a summary of the video on the Ministry’s activities during the same period. The association, as a leading Egyptian national platform in the field of the development of horticultural exports in order to enhance the competitiveness of Egyptian agricultural exports and enforce foreign markets, which raises the contributions of the agricultural sector in supporting the Egyptian economy. Egypt. To discuss the possibility of exporting Egyptian companies some production requirements. Water and the environment, and the Institute of Plant Pathology, as well as the efforts of the center and the extension seminars, field visits, and scientific publishing.
A delegation headed A workshop on the health of aquatic neighborhoods in France at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Paris. In Menoufia Governorate, 86 counseling fields were implemented in Qalyubia Governorate, and 14 instructions in Dakahlia. Spring on the twelfth of next April, as well as the representative of the Egyptian Agricultural Quarantine, as head of the African Botanical Health Council meetings of the African Union, during the preparatory meetings held in the Togoli capital Lome. The veterinarian, as well as the authority continues its efforts in providing free veterinary care to support young breeders and upgrade livestock health in the most needy areas, where 459 free treatment convoys were organized in 350 villages during January and February. The total number of samples received by the factory during the past week reached about 6,200 samples.