
Urgent The dawn call to prayer in the sixth day of Ramadan 2025

The search for the dawn call to prayer in the sixth day of Ramadan 2025 increased by a number of citizens through the global search engine Google, to know the date of the dawn prayer, the Ramadan 2025, and the prayer times in the month of Ramadan 2025 .

& nbsp; ” Ramadan 2025

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Ramadan Ramadan 2025 & nbsp; & nbsp;

Thursday 6 March corresponding to 6 Ramadan & nbsp; Issak 4:29, Al -Fajr 4:49, Al -Shorouk 6:15, Dhuhr 12:06, Asr 3:27, Maghrib prayer 5:57, dinner 7:15.

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Friday 7 March 7 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period of hours of fasting 13 hours and 30 minutes, Suhoor 2:28, Issak 4:28, Al -Fajr 4:48, Al -Shorouk 6:14, Dhuhr 12:06, Asr 3:27, Maghrib prayer 5:58, dinner 7:15.

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Saturday 8 March 8 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period of fasting hours 13 hours and 32 minutes, Suhoor 2:27, Insaked 4:27, Dawn 4:47, Al -Shorouk 6:13, Dhuhr 12:06, Asr 3:27, Maghrib prayer

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& nbsp; Sunday 9 March corresponding to 9 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration of fasting hours 13 hours and 34 minutes, Suhoor 2:25, Insake 4:25, Fajr 4:45, Al -Shorouk 6:12, Dhuhr 12:05, Age 3:28, Maghrib prayer 5:59, dinner 7:17. 7:17. Asr 3:28, Maghrib prayer 6:01, dinner 7:18.

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Wednesday 12 March 12 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period of fasting hours 13 hours and 39 minutes, Suhoor 2:22, Insake 4:22, Dawn 4:42, Al -Shorouk 6:08, Dhuhr 12:05, Age 3:28, Maghrib prayer 6:01, dinner 7:19.

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Thursday 13 corresponding 13 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Thursday, 13 March, 13 Ramadan, hours of fasting 13 hours and 41 minutes, Suhoor 2:21, Inside 4:21, Fajr 4:41, Al -Shorouk 6:07, Dhuhr 12:04, era 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:02, dinner 7:19. 4:39, Al -Shorouk 6:06, Dhuhr 12:04, Age 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:03, dinner 7:20. Fasting hours 13 hours and 45 minutes, Suhoor 2:18, Insake 4:18, Fajr 4:38, Sunrise 6:05, Dhuhr 12:04, Age 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:03, dinner 7:21. Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration hours of fasting 13 hours and 47 minutes, Suhoor 2:17, Insake 4:17, Al -Fajr 4:37, Al -Shorouk 6:03, Dhuhr 12:03, Asr 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:04, dinner 7:21. 4:36, Sunrise 6:02, Dhuhr 12:03, Age 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:05, dinner 7:22.

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Tuesday 18 corresponding 18 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period Fasting hours 13 hours and 51 minutes, Suhoor 2:14, Insake 4:14, Fajr 4:34, Al -Shorouk 6:01, Dhuhr 12:03, Age 3:29, Maghrib prayer 6:05, dinner 7:23.

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Wednesday March 19 corresponding to 19 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration of hours of fasting 13 hours and 53 minutes, Suhoor 2:13, Insake 4:13, Al -Fajr 4:33, Sunrise 6:00, Dhuhr 12:03, Asr 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:06, dinner 7:23. 4:32, Sunrise 5:59, Dhuhr 12:02, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:06, dinner 7:24.

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Friday March 21 corresponding to 21 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period Fasting hours 13 hours and 56 minutes, Suhoor 2:11, Inside 4:11, Fajr 4:31, Al -Shorouk 5:57, Dhuhr 12:02, Asr 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:07, dinner 7:25.

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Saturday 22 March 22 corresponding to 22 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration of hours of fasting 13 hours and 58 minutes, Suhoor 2:09, Inside 4:09, Fajr 4:29, Al -Shorouk 5:56, Dhuhr 12:02, Asr 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:08, dinner 7:25. 5:55, Dhuhr 12:01, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:08, dinner 7:26.

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Monday March 24 corresponding to 24 Ramadan & nbsp; And 2 minutes, Suhoor 2:07, Inside 4:07, Dawn 4:27, Al -Shorouk 5:54, Dhuhr 12:01, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:09, dinner 7:27.

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Tuesday 25 corresponding 25 corresponding to 25 corresponding Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration of hours of fasting 14 hours and 4 minutes, Suhoor 2:05, Inside 4:05, Fajr 4:25, Sunrise 5:53, Dhuhr 12:01, Asr 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:09, dinner 7:27. 4:24, Al -Shorouk 5:51, Dhuhr 12:00, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:10, dinner 7:28.

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Thursday 27 March corresponding to 27 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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period Fasting hours 14 hours and 8 minutes, Suhoor 2:03, Esk 4:03, Fajr 4:23, Al -Shorouk 5:50, Dhuhr 12:00, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:11, dinner 7:29.

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Friday 28 March 28 Ramadan & nbsp; & nbsp;

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Duration of hours of fasting 14 hours and 10 minutes, Suhoor 2:01, constipation 4:01, Al -Fajr 4:21, Al -Shorouk 5:49, Dhuhr 12:00, Asr 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:11, dinner 7:29. 4:20, Sunrise 5:48, Dhuhr 12:00, Age 3:30, Maghrib prayer 6:12, dinner 7:30.

  • For more: Elrisala website and for social networking, you can follow us on Facebook
  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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