Today, Sunday, the 56th anniversary of the martyrdom of the martyr hero, the Golden General, Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riad, former Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces, whose pure spirit overflowed on the morning of March 9, 1969, when he fell as a martyr between his soldiers while he was on the confrontation lines to see himself as the results of the day before the war of attrition and to give his directives and to be the middle Soldiers. The leader between his soldiers, striking the example and role models in the courageous steadfast leadership, as the enemy’s fire suddenly poured into the area where he was standing among his soldiers and the fire continued about an hour and a half until one of the artillery shots exploded near the hole from which he was leading the battle and as a result of the fatal shrapnel and the emptying of the air, the commander was martyred in his soldiers from his wounds, after 32 years he spent in serving his homeland To conclude a life full of the championships and achievements that this leader has achieved at the military level that made the professors of the Supreme Academy of the Soviet Union they call the Golden General.
His birth and upbringing & nbsp; h2>
& nbsp; Abdel -Moneim Riad was born on the twenty -second of October 1919 in the village of & quot; Sprbay & quot; One of the villages of the city of Tanta in Gharbia Governorate, where he returns to ancient origins, his father, was an officer in the Egyptian army, and reached the rank of & quot; & quot; Current Colonel & quot; Mohamed Riad, who is one of the old Egyptian military, so the son was famous for the discipline of military originality since his early childhood.
& nbsp; On his work, he used to go to the book and memorize parts of the Qur’an and he obtained the primary certificate in 1931 from the Al -Raml School in Alexandria and his father died while he was still twelve years old.
& nbsp; His goal was determined and he had other interests in sports, scouts and rhetoric, and his love for leadership and his ability to contain his colleagues. His rights and the rights of his colleagues with all the literature, courage and dignity, and the hero martyr did not marry and remained a monk on the front and was only satisfied with the Egyptian land until it is liberated and his phrase in this regard was that the armed forces are his family and all his life.