
Union Party: We call for the issuance of balanced legislation that ends the existing crisis in the old rental file

The Secretariat of the Union Party in Alexandria organized a symposium on explaining the constitutional rulings and the rights of the citizen in old rents. , President of the Federation of Egypt Reclons, Counselor Ayman El -Deeb, President of the Alexandria Court Al -Helbawi, Secretary of the Union Party in Alexandria, on the necessity of finding a fundamental solution to the old rental law, especially after the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which requires legislative amendments to comply with the principles of justice and protect the rights of those who address the law by stipulating the unconstitutionality of the fare, noting that there is an urgent need to translate this ruling into Tangible laws reflect positively on the course of justice and achieve a balance between the rights of individuals.

& nbsp; The balance that guarantees the protection of the rights of all parties concerned, indicating that the party believes in the need to reach fair legislative solutions that are in line with the rights of individuals and social justice.

& nbsp; Al -Jaar, President of the Union of Tenker in Egypt, The legal extension of the tenant is the sponsorship of the constitutional rulings issued in this regard, which is about more than 30 rulings that guarantee the legal extension of the first generation of the original tenant’s heirs, and the Constitutional Court considered the extension with one generation, which has a beginning with a birth certificate and an end with a death certificate in which the contract ends.

& nbsp;

He noted that the fare in old rental contracts is subject to the rules of public order, as it is one of the stable matters for decades and move the fee must be with controls and criteria and this is what is stipulated in the ruling of the constitutional reward issued On 9/11/2024 under No. 24 of 20. Where the ruling stipulated in his reasons that moving the fare is subject to the rulings of public order and the last ruling, and the legislator advised that the tenant not leave prey in the hand of the lessor, and he is up to him with a fee that he called exaggeration and stages. & Nbsp;

& nbsp; > Counselor Mohamed Meri, Counselor Mohamed Abdel Sattar and Counselor Mahmoud Abdel -Al agreed with the counselor Sherif Al -Jaar in it, he stipulated and explained about the constitutional rulings. & Nbsp;

& nbsp; There are controls to move the rental summit. While Counselor Mahmoud Abdel -Al stressed that there should be a solution to the rental issue from the subcontractor.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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