Thursday .. Cairo hosts an international conference against forced displacement against the Palestinians in Gaza

Cairo will host, next Thursday, an international conference to reject the crime of forced displacement against the Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, at the initiative of the National Council for Human Rights and the Arab Organization for Human Rights, and in partnership with both the Arab Network for National Human Rights, and the Independent Human Rights Authority in a state Palestine, Al -Mizan Center for Human Rights in Palestine, along with the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, the Arab Lawyers Union, and African Solidarity Asian.
& nbsp; A number of parliamentarians, media professionals, thought leaders and opinion from different Countries.
& nbsp; The pursuit of those responsible for serious violations against the Palestinian people in accordance with international laws, as well as discussing the reconstruction by setting an integrated plan to support the reconstruction efforts What the occupation destroyed in the Gaza Strip, in addition to discussing the right of the Palestinian people to decide its fate, as a discussion of ways to activate international decisions supporting the rights of Palestinians to independence and freedom.
& nbsp; Preparing a comprehensive work program that is presented to international human rights organizations, with the aim of intensifying pressure on the international community to ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians He stopped violations, as the conference seeks to unify Arab and international efforts to support the rights of Palestinians and enhance the mechanisms of accountability for the Israeli occupation over its continuous violations.
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- Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”“