The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research continues its efforts to develop the system of higher education and scientific research in Egypt, and support developmental and societal issues. The meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities, and during the meeting, the Council approved the decision of the University of Alexandria Council to establish branches of the university in Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Greece, with the completion of the legal procedures required to formally approve these branches. The Council also agreed to include the data of private, technological and private universities, private higher institutes and international universities branches to the statistical reports program in the Secretariat of the Council, in a way that contributes to providing accurate data to support decision makers.
The Board of Trustees of Alexandria National University held its first meeting headed And parents. The Minister also chaired the first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Zagazig National University, in the presence of Eng. Hazem Al -Ashmouni, Governor of Sharqia, and stressed that private universities offer modern study programs that keep pace with the requirements of the local and international labor market. An advanced educational environment for the region’s students. The Minister also chaired the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the South Valley National University, in the presence of Khaled Mahmoud Abdel Halim, Governor of Qena, explaining that private universities provide various educational opportunities, and contribute to improving the quality of education and enhancing the competitiveness of academic institutions. Higher and scientific research. The minister stressed that the conference represents a new step to enhance cooperation between the two countries, with the wide participation of Egyptian and French universities and business and industry sectors. The meeting also discussed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the ministers of higher education in Egypt and France to enhance joint cooperation. The Minister stressed that the institutional innovation has become a major indication of measuring the efficiency of academic and research institutions, noting that this accreditation is a strategic step to enhance the competitiveness of higher education institutions in Egypt at the international level. Technical and exhibition events. The Minister also witnessed the annual breakfast ceremony for expatriate students, referring to the Ministry’s efforts in developing the services provided to them and facilitating the procedures for submission and registration through the platform & quot; I study in Egypt & quot; to ensure the provision of a distinguished educational service for students of various nationalities. And development & quot; in which Dr. Hossam Othman, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Innovation and Scientific Research Affairs, spoke about the vision and goals of the national policy of sustainable innovation and linking it to the presidential initiative & quot; alliance and development & quot;. During the workshop, the possibility of creating innovation incubators in higher institutes was discussed, whether separately or through a central incubator, in addition to launching programs that support startups and cooperation with the industrial sector.