
The Sensor Authority advances 10 places in the Semago classification in the Middle East

 The head of the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Dr. Islam Abu Al-Majd, praised,‏ With the distinguished efforts exerted by all researchers and employees of the Authority, which contributed to the Authority advancing 10 places in the Semago classification of research centers, institutes and bodies in the Middle East and North Africa region for the year 2024, to become ranked 44th out of 322 research centers in the Middle East and North Africa region from 22 countries.< /p>

Abu Al-Majd indicated – in a statement today, Tuesday – that he participated yesterday in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and elite One of the officials in the activities of announcing the results of the third edition of the Spanish SCImago classification as a unique classification for research centers, institutes and bodies in the Middle East and North Africa region for the year 2024, for the third year in a row.

He explained that the authority advanced 10 places in the classification compared to the year By 2023, 21 places advanced over the first version of the classification.

Abu Al-Majd confirmed that the Authority is working to encourage researchers and scientists to submit research outputs. They can be transformed into applicable products, and have an economic return that contributes to supporting efforts to improve the national economy, in line with achieving the objectives of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research launched by the Ministry in March 2023.

He stated the Authority’s interest in improving its position in The third edition of the classification, which contributed to the advancement of 10 places in the current version of the classification.

He explained that the classification of research centers at the regional level supports efforts to improve the quality of scientific research, and contributes to enhancing innovation and scientific development. In the Arab world, and enhances the position of the Arab region on the map of global scientific research, explaining that the Authority is putting all its capabilities into achieving more success and scientific and research excellence.

He added that the current version of the classification included the classification of 322 research centers and the data was collected. For 16 indicators divided into 3 groups, which are research (40%), innovation (40%), and society (20%).

The head of the authority noted that the current classification was keen to take into account adjusting the relative weights. For evaluation criteria, as is done in the general international evaluation of the Semago Foundation, where the relative weight of the innovation index was increased to 40% of the evaluation of the performance of research centers; To consolidate the culture of transforming scientific research into applied research with high added value.

It is noteworthy that the Simago classification of research centers, institutes and bodies in the Middle East and North Africa region for the year 2024 was launched in cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Semago Foundation, the leading organization in the field of classification. Academic institutions, the Elsevier Foundation and the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, with support from the Union of Arab Scientific Research Councils, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and the Council of Research Centers, Institutes and Bodies

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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