
The Prime Minister is following up with the Minister of Agriculture on a number of work files

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, met with Dr. Alaa Farouk, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation; This is within the framework of following up on a number of work files in the Ministry.  

       The Prime Minister began the meeting by emphasizing the importance of the availability of various goods and products at all outlets of the Ministry of Agriculture across the Republic at reasonable prices. He was reassured by the Minister of Agriculture about the availability of goods at all outlets for citizens.          Dr. Mostafa Madbouly was assigned to continue monitoring the markets. To ensure the availability of various types of goods and products offered by the Ministry at its outlets continuously throughout the year,  at suitable prices for citizens. 

       In this context, the Minister of Agriculture confirmed that the ministry’s productive sectors are constantly working to pump goods and products at reduced prices, through its fixed and mobile outlets, and to expand the opening of new outlets, and increase the number of mobile outlets, to roam governorates and remote areas, to ease the burden on citizens.

         During the meeting, the Minister of Agriculture confirmed that the Ministry is making great efforts to provide various aspects of technical support to farmers, including agricultural guidance and awareness, as well as providing them with production requirements, and ensuring their access to good, certified seeds.             In this context, the Minister pointed out the keen interest in good and continuous coordination between the various agencies affiliated with the Ministry and research institutes to ensure the implementation of agricultural policies and the expansion of seed production operations for agricultural crops, especially strategic ones. To reduce the import bill from abroad.

       In the same context, the Minister noted that the Ministry had launched an awareness-raising campaign called “With You in the Rain” For awareness, agricultural extension and livestock production, which aims to contribute to spreading awareness among farmers using various social media means, within the framework of expanding support for agricultural extension efforts through modern technological means and multimedia, for easy access to farmers and communicating with them, delivering extension information and spreading awareness, through various means. .

    The Minister said: The campaign aims to guide and educate farmers to follow modern and good agricultural recommendations and practices, as well as educate livestock breeders to follow sound breeding methods, and provide technical support to rural women in order to develop their skills, which contributes to achieving food security, increasing productivity and improving the standard of living of farmers.

          He added: There is also an advisory convoy organized by fertilizer companies in cooperation with the Arab Fertilizer Union, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, to raise awareness of the importance of the safe use of compound and single fertilizers, while providing free services to farmers such as soil, water and plant analysis.

        During the meeting, Dr. Alaa Farouk explained that the Ministry had made adequate preparations for the wheat planting season, and distributed good seeds in its outlets in the governorates and agricultural associations, according to the class map of the crop, which was prepared by the Agricultural Research Center, represented by the Field Crops Research Institute.       Dr. Alaa Farouk said that there is great care to ensure the quality of seeds, their suitability to the climatic conditions of each region, and their resistance to diseases and pests, in addition to educating farmers about the importance of using approved seeds, which contribute to increasing productivity, and thus increasing farmers’ income.         The Minister of Agriculture also reviewed the procedures for examining potato seeds and providing them to farmers with the required quality.           Also during the meeting, Dr. Alaa Farouk referred to the efforts made by the Ministry to encourage investment, improve its climate, and provide various facilities. For the private sector to participate in development plans, and to support the state’s efforts to achieve stability and economic recovery, improve the citizen’s standard of living, provide job opportunities, and increase national income.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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