The Prime Minister appreciates the efforts of the Ministry of Irrigation to support water security

Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa Madbouly affirmed the government’s interest in following up the projects implemented by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, due to its close association with the provision of Egypt’s water needs, and its direct contact with the development needs of many other sectors in the country, appreciating the efforts of the Ministry of Irrigation to support Egypt’s water security. >
This came during the Prime Minister’s meeting today, Tuesday, with the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Dr. Hani Sweilem; To follow up on a number of ministry’s work files. , As well as the development of water resources, in addition to creating the auxiliary environment.
& nbsp; It was not the oldest in the field of water resources management and irrigation, saying that the concept of the second generation is based on a method of thinking and a mechanism of action that includes a set of the axes of the ministry’s business and its authentic specializations by maximizing the return from limited resources (water – human), and linking this to the latest scientific and technological methods & quot ;.
& nbsp; To bridge the current and expected deficit and increase the opportunities for comprehensive development of the state & quot;
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and continued & quot; that the second generation system of irrigation aims to treat and desalinate water through the implementation of major projects, including a sea treatment plant Cow with a total of 5.6 million m3/day, the new Delta processing station with a total of 7.5 million m3/day, and a crushed treatment plant with a total of one million m3/day; For the total planned water to reuse in the major stations is about 4.8 billion m3/years & quot;
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referred to the space and implementation rate for each project, as well as the capabilities of desalination of sea water, and what can be To contribute to it to cover part of Egypt’s water needs, noting that the second generation system of irrigation aims to apply digital transformation by creating the licensing version platform.
& nbsp; From the system of licenses of groundwater wells & quot; experimental operation & quot;, work is underway on the beach licenses, indicating that 27 applications that depend on geographical information systems have been created; To follow up and measure the performance indicators of the Ministry’s entities in general, in addition to digitizing irrigation and drainage networks and water installations with a total of about 56 thousand establishments.
& nbsp; Smart management and smart irrigation through a project to support the water resources update in the agricultural sector in Egypt, and the project aims to enhance the efficiency of water use and increase agricultural productivity.
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and continued that the project aims to implement smart irrigation With five experimental areas, Nile and Upper Egypt, using smart irrigation technologies, using drones to follow up on the canal network and agricultural crop state, as well as follow up on the state of crops and water stress.
& nbsp; Digital transformation application, the DE AFICA platform is used to monitor the beach line, and monitor the quality of water by monitoring irrigation networks, using the trigger system to follow the quality of the water, indicating the cultivated spaces depending on the groundwater.
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The Minister of Irrigation emphasized that the second generation system aims to rehabilitate the infrastructure of the major arches by updating the operating system of the Delta Group of Delta to be automated and remotely, and replacing and renovating the old Dairout Group, as well as rehabilitation of canals with a total of 33.5 thousand km and 22 thousand km Rehabilitation of banks.
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