
The preacher of the Al -Azhar Mosque: Congratulations to Egypt on the Kaaba of Science and the Holly of Scholars

He gave Friday sermon today at Al -Azhar Mosque d. Abdel -Fattah Al -Awari, a member of the Islamic Research Academy, whose topic revolved around the ends of fasting. Al -Arouj in the angels of perfection, explaining that among these acts of worship is the worship of fasting, which is the fourth pillar of Islam, the fasting weighs souls and refines them, and elevates and liquidates them, stressing that when souls describe, the souls are refined, and the hearts were purified by the nation with wonder, and if its throats started by saying & laquo; Lord & raquo; The heavens, and its call to its Lord & laquo; to you, my servant, & raquo;

& nbsp;

The preacher of the Al -Azhar Mosque added, that fasting is an opportunity to achieve a noble goal, and an authentic destination of the purposes of our glorious Sharia, so his loudness is manifested in the Almighty saying & laquo; O you who believed on you who wrote fast as you wrote to those who wrote to those who wrote to those who wrote Before you, you may fear & raquo; explaining that Esperance is greedy in the beloved and compassion from what is required, saying: & laquo; O nation of fasting, take yourselves with the politeness of fasting, and achieve fasting in it to God & raquo; And he was rewarded by God for a king, but he assumed the reward for himself.

& nbsp; Malaki & raquo; warning against falling into fasting spoilers of backbiting and gossip, recalling his saying ﷺ & laquo; That the glories of the land of Egypt, the land of messages, prophecies, and the land of civilizations, are multiplied, and today Egypt is celebrating a precious occasion for every Egyptian, but for every Muslim in the whole world, it is an occasion for the passage of eighty -five years after a thousand on the opening of this ancient mosque, as the Kaaba of science and the workers of the scholars and the field of militants to liberate the homelands, saying & laquo; congratulations to Egypt with this glory that is the one who is the one For the Kaaba of science and the refrigerator of the scholars

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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