The Police Academy receives a delegation of members of the diplomatic bodies of the African Peace and Security Council

The Police Academy received a number of ambassadors, members of the diplomatic bodies of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union Commission, to discuss ways to enhance aspects of joint cooperation, within the framework of supporting the efforts of the African Union Commission in the areas of maintaining international peace and security, and building capabilities. Egyptian and African cadres participating in peacekeeping missions at the levels (regional, international).
The delegation was headed by Ambassador Bankole Adoy, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security at the African Union Commission, and Ambassador Dr. Mohamed Gad, Egypt’s Permanent Representative to the African Union and Chairman of the Peace and Security Council for October 2024, and Ambassador Ashraf Sweilem, Assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister and Director of the Department of African Organizations and Groupings. The members of the visiting delegation were received by Major General Assistant Minister of the Interior, Head of the Police Academy, and a number of the Academy’s leaders and officers. The visiting delegation was welcomed and the greetings of Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq, Minister of the Interior were conveyed, stressing His Excellency’s keenness to build bridges of communication with the Union. The Ministry of the Interior believes in the importance of international security cooperation in the field of training and building the capabilities of Egyptian and African cadres participating in peace and security maintenance missions at the regional and international levels.
He also reviewed During his speech, the contributions of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior to peacekeeping operations under the banner of the United Nations and the African Union, and the efforts undertaken by the Police Academy towards providing all aspects of support for training African security cadres in various fields of security work, and the role of the Egyptian Center for Training in Peacekeeping Operations. Peace in training and building the capabilities of peacekeeping and peace support cadres at the national, continental and international levels.
For his part, The Ambassador, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security at the African Union Commission, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Interior. Explaining that this visit comes within the framework of the distinguished relations between Egypt and the African Union. He stressed his appreciation for the Egyptian state as one of the major countries contributing to United Nations peacekeeping missions, praising the contributions of Egyptian police cadres and their pivotal and effective role in supporting stability, maintaining and building peace in conflict areas in UN peacekeeping missions.
The meeting also witnessed a review of the role of the academy and the centre. Al-Masry for Training in Peacekeeping Operations, as one of the entities of the Police Academy, is established in accordance with the latest international standards in all aspects of training, educational and logistical aspects, as well as the two National Institutes for Training Special Forces, Guards and Insurance, in developing and refining the scientific, physical and technical skills of Egyptian and foreign police cadres through a contract Training courses, seminars and specialized workshops to develop their capabilities.
This was followed by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the African Union Commission and the Egyptian Center for Training in Peacekeeping Operations, in order to cooperate in the areas of training police personnel and building their capabilities to participate in peace support operations. of the African Union, exchanging shields and taking collective memorial photos for the members of the security delegation and the leaders and officers of the academy.
At the conclusion of the visit, the members of the visiting delegation expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Egyptian Ministry of Interior for the warm reception and the opportunity to carry out the visit, praising The academy’s role in preparing and qualifying police officers and developing the capabilities of African security cadres.
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