Dr. Rania Nabil Sabry, professor of child health at the National Research Center, and consultant pediatrician and neonatologist, said that breastfeeding is very important for the child’s health. It is a gift and a gift and he should not be deprived of it. It also provides the child with a large amount of water and fluids in his first months, so we advise Immediately after giving birth, the mother must place the baby on her breast and breastfeed him because this forms a strong bond between them and helps produce milk. In addition, one of the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother is restoring the uterus to its size and position. Natural.
She explained in statements to the Rosalyosif Gateway that there are a number of tips that the mother must follow in order to preserve her health and the health of her newborn, the most important of which is the necessity of taking the vitamins that she was taking during pregnancy so that her body does not become weak or her calcium levels decrease.
She stated that the mother must also get some sleep and rest, especially since with her first child she suffers a lot from insomnia and stress, which affects breastfeeding.
The child health professor stressed the need for the mother to go to the doctor if she is unable to produce breast milk so that she can know the reason for this and whether she needs some herbs or medicines to help her, or the need to place the child on her chest for appropriate periods so that he can breastfeed.
She pointed out that breastfeeding milk for the first three days of a child’s life, or what is called colostrum milk, is beneficial to his health despite its small quantity and it may seem that he is unable to satisfy him, but it gives him strong immunity.
Dr. Rania Nabil confirmed that if the child is growing normally and has a good weight, it is better not to use artificial milk, and if the mother resorts to it, she should use it in small quantities in one or two feedings throughout the day so that the child does not do without natural milk.
She added that the mother should also focus on foods that are beneficial to her health and that produce milk, such as dates, parsley, fenugreek, watercress, sesame, halva, vegetables and fruits, and that she should avoid foods that contain fats and starches so that she does not suffer from constipation, which consequently affects the child’s health, stressing the necessity of eating a lot. Fluids, drink two glasses of water before each feeding