Dr. Osama Al-Azhari, Minister of Endowments, participated in the opening of the 34th International Dar Al-Iftaa Conference in partnership with the Egyptian Philosophical Society, under the title: "Islamic Philosophy, Its Present and Future in the World", headed by Dr. Nazir Ayyad, Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Mustafa Al-Nashar, President of the Egyptian Philosophical Society, and in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Duwaini, Undersecretary of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, representing His Eminence the Grand Imam, Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar; Professor Dr. Salama Dawoud, President of Al-Azhar University; Dr. Abdel-Radi Radwan, former Dean of Dar Al-Ulum College; Professor Dr. Ahmed Madi, former Dean of the Faculty of Arts in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Sheikh Abdul Hadi Al-Qasabi, the sheikh of the sheikhs of the Sufi orders; Mr. Al-Sayyid Mahmoud Al-Sharif, Captain of the Noble Gentlemen’s Syndicate; Professor Dr. Nasr Farid Wasel, member of the Council of Senior Scholars at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif; And Bishop Jeremiah, General Bishop – President of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center – Assistant Secretary General of the Egyptian Family House.
Professor Dr. Osama Al-Azhari, Minister of Endowments, confirmed that there is a significant increase in the idea of atheism. In the world starting from the year 2005 AD onwards, then this wave spread to our Arab and Islamic world starting from the year 2011 AD onwards, adding that we found examples of symbols In the 1930s and 1940s, Arabic took the path of atheism. Such as Professor Abdullah Al-Qassim Al-Najdi, Professor Jamil Sidqi Al-Zahawi, Professor Ismail Mazhar, Professor Ismail Adham, and a number of professors who presented theses, and their books are still available and available until now, and then this wave faded.
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Adding that another wave appeared in the seventies, in which Professor Mustafa Mahmoud wrote his book (My Journey from Doubt to Faith, and a Dialogue with My Atheist Friend), and then it faded. This wave – also – until the contemporary wave of atheism appeared, and we found ourselves facing a state of intellectual ferment that spread the issue of atheism among different sectors of the youth, and we worked hard to limit what could disturb the mind with regard to faith.
The Minister of Endowments confirmed that nearly seventy problems were monitored, distributed among three types of science: cosmology, physics, and philosophy, noting that the most famous theorists For atheism, “Stephen Hawking,” “Carl Sagan,” and other professors, adding that Hawking’s book “The God Delusion” appeared, which was discussed from the philosophical dimension by the Christian philosopher “William Lane Craig,” and he wrote a book called “The Cosmic Kalam Argument.” ; Influenced by Muslim theology and a clash with the thesis of atheism.
The Minister of Endowments explained that atheism revolves around four schools: the absolute atheist, who denies divinity in its entirety, and the deistic atheist. He is the one who acknowledges divinity and denies Sharia and revelation, the agnostic atheist, and the psychologically explosive atheist, adding that there are philosophers who believe in the existence of God, They transferred faith from the logic of rational evidence to the logic of moral evidence, saying that God cannot be inferred by reason.
Al-Azhari stressed the necessity of having a deep philosophical discussion with extremely profound theses such as those written by Ibn Rushd, Al-Ghazali, Alaa al-Din al-Wasiti, and others, explaining that Islamic philosophy in the present and future is most in need of sending generations of genius philosophers and theologians. To have a foothold in the world that is full of complex philosophies and severe mental conflicts that are mostly due to atheism, indicating that he had a discussion with His Holiness the Pope in dealing with the issue of atheism, stressing that there must be a return to the rational sciences, which have become abandoned by many due to the prohibition of subtraction. Philosophy and the prohibition of engaging in it.