Today’s Friday sermon at Al-Azhar Mosque was delivered by His Eminence Dr. Hani Odeh, Director General of Al-Azhar Mosque, the topic of which revolved around “The Qur’anic Method in Building Man.”
Fadhila said Dr. Hani Odeh, in these days when the behavior of societies is in turmoil, the importance of adhering to the Qur’anic approach in building man, which was drawn and laid out by the Almighty God, in his dear book, is evident in order to build A person is committed to his spiritual duty towards his Lord, and his behavioral aspect towards his society, so the Islamic approach that came in the Qur’an is the true guarantee for building a human being, and many of the societies that advanced and civilized were thanks to their adaptation of this approach, with which God Almighty guaranteed psychological and societal safety. For everyone, because it is an integrated approach that aims for the good of humanity, and the good of humanity can only be found in the comprehensiveness and generality of the approach.
The director of Al-Azhar Mosque explained that the meditator For the Qur’anic verses in Surat Al-Furqan, the meaning of integration in building man is achieved through combining three aspects, the first: the doctrinal one, which is man’s relationship with his Lord and his close connection to Him, and the second aspect: through reviewing God’s signs in the universe, which indicate the greatness of the Creator, and the third aspect: It is the goal that a person achieves through his adherence to this divine approach that achieves human happiness in this world and prosperity in the afterlife. Therefore, the Holy Qur’an came informing about them with a Qur’anic description. “And the servants of the Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth with humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, ‘Peace.’” It aims to destroy societies, and this purpose can only be achieved by disintegrating a person’s attachment to his method and belief and adopting individual desires, because belief is the guarantee of disciplined behavior among people. Man and his environment. Therefore, the societies that were corrupted resulted from the disengagement of man from his belief. Therefore, the first step to destroying man is to call for the dismantling of the bonds of the close relationship between man and his Creator. Only then can the merchants of chaos reap the fruits of their temptations that they have cast in the arenas of societies.
The preacher at Al-Azhar Mosque warned of the absence of role models in the souls of our children because the association of our youth with these role models is a strong incentive for them to work and advance. In their societies, the absence of role models is the beginning of weak hope in their souls, and they are vulnerable to being attracted by illusions in the absence of misguidance, which is what we fear most for our youth. Societies are only built on the shoulders of young people whose souls are filled with hope and enthusiasm, and all families must work hard to instill In the souls of its children are shining examples from our Islamic history, which is full of honorable models in various fields and areas, and our youth must choose Their companions, to help them work and obey. Good companions are a precious treasure that we must search for. As for bad companions, they negatively affect human morals and behavior, and many of the misguided ideas that our youth fell into were the result of bad companions, and the consequences that many societies reap today. These deviant behaviors and moral chaos are due to the bad friends that the enemies of our societies use as a cover to spread their intellectual bombs in our societies.
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