
The Grand Mufti of the Republic: The rush to launch judgments and challenge others contradict the teachings of Islam

Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Mufti of the Republic and the head of the General Secretariat of the role and advisory bodies in the world, stressed that talking about mercy at this time is a very important matter, especially with the tyranny of materialism that swept the world, and led to the erosion of human values ​​and the decline of the meanings of mercy between people. The Mufti & quot; broadcast via satellite channel & quot; Echo of the country & quot, where his virtue dealt with the concept of mercy in Islam, citing the legal texts that emphasized the centrality of this value in the Islamic faith, and the extent of its association with the essence of faith and the right human behavior. On the care of God Almighty in this capacity and made it a major axis in treating man with others. It is also one of the most beautiful names of God. God Almighty has described himself as & quot; the Most Merciful & quot;, which reflects the greatness and inclusion of this characteristic of all aspects of life. His eminence indicated that a Muslim evokes this characteristic in each of his prayers when reciting Surat Al -Fatihah, and in every work in which he seeks success and blessing, based on the words of the Prophet ﷺ: & quot; It extends to all aspects of life, whether in dealing with a person, animal, or even inanimate objects, indicating that the Prophet ﷺ was a model of mercy, as God Almighty described it by saying: {A messenger of yourselves has come to you Rahim} [التوبة: 128]As the Almighty said: {With a mercy from God, you will be for them, and if you were thick, the heart will be overwhelmed. [آل عمران: 159]. His eminence emphasized that these verses highlight the pivotal role of mercy in achieving success in the Islamic call and spreading the message of love and peace among people. The monks, the non -cutting of trees or the destruction of resources, which reflects the civilizational vision of Islam that preserves the human being and preserves his rights. His eminence also referred to the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ: & quot; the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, have mercy on them, have mercy on those on earth, who will have mercy on you from the sky. And his restoration in human relations. He cited the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ when he saw Al -Aqra bin Habis, who was surprised by his kissing for Hassan and Hussein, and the Prophet said to him: & quot; Whoever does not have no mercy & quot;. His eminence drew attention to the fact that this message is addressed to the people of living hearts and vigilance consciences, as cruelty is incompatible with the normal nature of man, and the Prophet ﷺ warned of its consequences by saying: & quot; The absence of sound education, the impact of social media, and the increasing competition for worldly matters without paying attention to moral values. He also stressed that among the matters that restore mercy to the hearts are inherent in obedience and acts By saying God Almighty: {And we did not send you except a mercy to the two worlds}, referring to the position of the companion Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan when a man came to him asking to enter him saying to the eyebrow: & quot; & quot; Your brother in Adam & quot; And the Almighty. And it exceeded it all the limits. Sharia, and violates the ethics of Islam calling for leaving the affairs of the servants, where he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: & laquo; from the goodness of Islam, he left what he does not mean & raquo. He added that a Muslim is commanded to maintain his tongue from challenging others, in compliance with his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family: & laquo; A people may be better than them}. Something}, pointing out that supplication with forgiveness and mercy does not contradict the legal rulings, but rather comes within the purposes of religion in spreading the values ​​of compassion and tolerance among human beings. «اللهم ارحمنا فوق الأرض وتحت الأرض ويوم العرض عليك». He explained that supplication with mercy is not exclusive to the dead, noting that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, called for mercy for the living and the dead, as in the noble hadith: & laquo; O God, forgive Muslims and Muslims, and believers and believers, the living of them and the dead In Islam, gloating is inconsistent with the values ​​of mercy and tolerance that the true religion brought, indicating that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, when he saw a funeral of a Jew, stood up to her, and he was told: & laquo; O Messenger of God, he is a Jew! & Raquo; He said: & laquo, is it not a soul? With the noble hadith: & laquo; while a man walks in a way, thirst was intensified, and he found a well and went down in it and drank, then he went out, so if a dog pants eating the rich from thirst, the man said: Likewise, the other hadith: & laquo; that a woman entered the fire in the junction of her imprisonment, neither she fed her, nor did she leave her eating from the brutality of the earth & raquo;

and at the conclusion of his hadith, the Mufti’s virtue stressed that Islam is the religion of mercy and tolerance, and that the true Muslim is the one who creates the morals of mercy and compassion with all people, their Muslim and not their Muslim That adherence to these great values ​​is the way to spread peace and love in the world, in implementation of the Almighty saying: {And we have only sent you a mercy to the two worlds}.

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