
The Grand Mufti of the Republic delivers the lesson of Tarawih at the Al -Azhar Mosque on the Badr Al -Major Battle

His Eminence, Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Mufti of the Egyptian Diyar, said that the believer is an ancient bag and it is to improve the dealing with circumstances and events, and to take the lessons from them until the benefit of himself, his family, his religion and his country, and among these events that we should stop before & quot; Battle of Badr & quot; this unique event, and did not & nbsp; It was paid attention to us to return to the appropriate position that we were on. The Battle of Badr is a model that expresses idealism and the sincerity of the covenant, and sincere faith is evident, from the first moment when the Prophet ﷺ asked to go out to jihad; His companions -may God be pleased with them and please them -responded to him, and that this act is one of the lessons that we draw inspiration from the Battle of Badr; It is sincere faith, faith is a sophisticated word that is only available in those who combine theory and application, between saying and action, between the purity of the apparent and the inner, and in this God said – Glory be to Him – & quot; Their ways are good ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ ۗ. He is independent of opinion, or dominates the idea, but he declared it as God Almighty wanted & quot; So the Companions called, then they talked and discussed them, then the matter was to go out in response and response to the call of God, as the invasion struck the greatest examples in good preparation and beautiful reading of reality and good dealing with the envelope and the event, here is the Prophet who fully realizes the differences between the two categories in relation to the number and the kit, so the Prophet chose the place when he came down to the opinion of one of his companions. Al -Taraweeh is part of his advocacy plan for the blessed month of Ramadan, under the patronage of the Honorable Imam, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, which includes: Quranic readers, advocacy forums, scientific lessons, the prayer of tahajjud in the last ten days, and the organization of breakfast tables for expatriate students; And that is within the framework of Al -Azhar’s role in spreading religious awareness and consolidating Islamic values.

& nbsp;

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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