The Grand Mufti of the Republic: Building a person is a value in Islam and the solutions of problems lies in replanting the original value

Dr. Nazir Ayyad, Mufti of the Republic, head of the General Secretariat of the role and advisory bodies in the world, emphasized that building a person in Islam is at three main levels: contractual preparation, spiritual preparation, and behavioral preparation, explaining that the contractual preparation is to build a person’s relationship with his creator through Correct faith and monotheism, while spiritual preparation focuses on recommending the soul through worship and closer to God, as for preparation Behavioral, relates to the moral values that direct human behavior in society. This is part of the activities of the Presidential Initiative & quot; a new beginning for human building & quot; Which was held today, Tuesday at the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University.
& nbsp; Good & quot, stressing the importance of spiritual education and balance in the relationship of man to his Lord, warning of attempts to uproot man from Its religious and legal roots, stressing that worship strengthens the relationship between man and his Lord, and gives him psychological and spiritual balance. He added that & quot; Human Building & quot; It is a central value in Islam, explaining that the Holy Qur’an and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah have established an integrated educational foundation aimed at building the individual and society on strong and fixed rules.
& nbsp; Dr. Sherif Khater, with the virtue of the Mufti in the university’s virtue, confirming that his visit for the second time in one month is considered An honor for the university and all its employees, pointing to the university’s keenness to hold this symposium on & quot; the role of religion in building man & quot; In the presence of the Mufti, within the framework of the activities of the presidential initiative & quot; a new beginning to build the Egyptian man & quot;, through investing in human capital to achieve sustainable development in its comprehensive concept. Through the educational process and a series of scientific and cultural seminars to improving the education system and upgrading the levels of teaching, taking into account Religious and cultural values, to graduate students who are able to compete locally and internationally, pointing to the university’s interest in planting the values of tolerance and cooperation between its students, and working to light their path in various scientific, intellectual and cultural fields.
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He noted the importance of the pivotal role played by the Egyptian Fatwa House in spreading moderation and tolerance, And its efforts in establishing these principles through the initiatives adopted by the state to build a conscious generation, civilized tolerant.
& nbsp; It is his upbringing, composition and preparation to be a person together, worshiping God for the will and choice, knowing With its duties, and is able to perform it with mastery and charity, adding that this general religious destination seeks belief, worship, ethics, and all the provisions of the various Sharia to achieve it, and that the College of Law proud to play in addition to its scientific and research role its social role in awareness, by hosting this The symposium & quot;
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and on his part Dr. Tamer Saleh, Undersecretary of the Faculty of Law for Education and Student Affairs, said that a person needs an insult to religion to control his actions and organize his transactions and relationships, which is something that our country sought to achieve through national initiatives, the last of which was an initiative & quot; a new beginning to build the Egyptian person & quot; with the aim of paving the way for the Egyptian citizen Towards development, prosperity and reform in various fields, stressing that Mansoura University is one of the active institutions In implementing the objectives of this initiative.
& nbsp; The Grand Mufti of the Republic, in appreciation of its distinguished role and efforts in developing the Ifta House Egyptian.
& nbsp; Al -Shennawi, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Dr. Tamer Saleh, Vice -Dean for Education and Student Affairs, as well as deans and agents of colleges, faculty and journalists The media and a large group of male and female students of the university and representatives of unions and student families.
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