The government agrees to Egypt’s accession to the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights

The Council of Ministers, in its weekly meeting today, chaired by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, approved the draft decision of the President of the Republic regarding the Arab Republic of Egypt’s accession to the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of the Elderly in Africa.
It comes. This approval is in light of the efforts of the technical secretariat of the Permanent Supreme Committee for Human Rights in implementing the axes of the national strategy, in addition to seeking to strengthen Egypt’s position on the African arena and increase its interaction with the African mechanisms concerned with the human rights file.
The protocol includes a number of General provisions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the various rights of the elderly within African societies, such as urging states parties to ensure the existence of national legislation and laws that protect their basic rights and freedoms, ensuring that there are no discriminatory practices against them, whether societal practices or legislative texts, and providing societal protection for the elderly. age, and work to integrate these groups into various aspects of life, such as providing pensions and health care for the elderly, and taking the necessary measures to ensure that the elderly have access to social services, and support homes for the elderly.
The Cabinet also approved a project Decision of the President of the Republic regarding the agreement regarding the project to establish the “Rubiki” railway line – 10th of Ramadan – Belbeis" between the Egyptian government and the French Development Agency, for the benefit of the Egyptian National Railway Authority.
The project aims to improve the competitiveness of local producers, thus contributing to accelerating economic growth and working to provide more job opportunities, by achieving Several goals include facilitating the movement of goods from dry ports to the sea, which reduces the cost and time of transporting these goods, in addition to working to increase the share of freight by rail, according to the plan, which will have a positive impact in reducing road congestion and carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon, in addition to the safety of road users.
The project also aims to provide new job opportunities in cities provided with services that include major industrial areas, which makes investment in these areas more attractive, given that the transportation of goods will be more efficient than In terms of cost and time.
It should be noted that the project to construct the “Rubiki” railway line – 10th of Ramadan – Belbeis" Its proposed length is 63.5 km, non-electric (diesel), and a single track in the distance from Al-Rubiki to the 10th of Ramadan, with the possibility of expanding it to a double track if necessary in the future, and a double track from the 10th of Ramadan to Belbeis.
And he agreed. The Council of Ministers approved a draft decision regarding the establishment of a private free zone under the name “Kingdom Linen” Company. (S.A.E.), to practice the linen, spinning, and weaving industry in the Developers Area, Sadat City, Menoufia Governorate. Through its project, which will be built on an area of about 52 thousand square metres, and with investment costs amounting to about $60 million, the company aims to provide job opportunities exceeding 500 job opportunities, exporting no less than 100% of the annual production volume, and relying on a local component of no less than 30%, in addition to making the company’s factory one of the largest factories for producing linen, spinning and weaving within the five years from the date of operation at maximum production capacity. And producing a variety of linen, textile, and textile products with high added value by relying on local raw materials and operating them with the latest technology, while ensuring product quality in accordance with international standards.
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- Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”“