The future of a homeland abroad discusses with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs a package of new initiatives

Ahmed Ruby Abdel -Azim, a member of the Central Secretariat for Egyptians Abroad, met the Future Watan Party, Ambassador Nabil Habashi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Egyptians abroad in his office in the new administrative capital; To discuss the situation of Egyptians abroad.
& nbsp;
and a student & quot; During his meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Egyptians abroad to make a package of initiatives aimed at serving Egyptians abroad, including reopening the car initiative for Egyptians abroad, where the ambassador stressed during the meeting to discuss that demand, especially that it is a requirement from the majority of Egyptians abroad
& nbsp; For every Egyptian to have a full farm with a house on it so that every Egyptian can benefit from the initiative to have an existing project upon his return to his motherland.
& nbsp; Thank you to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Egyptians abroad, for the efforts made by the state to support Egyptians abroad based on the directives of President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi to support the people of Egypt abroad, which is evident from the volume of initiatives that the state provides to them, as well as periodic meetings with them to listen to their problems and reassure their conditions.
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- Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”“