"The elders" Tomorrow’s sessions will resume discussions about "Competitiveness of the insurance sector" And the development of university education

The Senate, headed by Counselor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek, will resume its general sessions tomorrow, Sunday, to review requests for public discussion to set a date for discussion on the competitiveness of the insurance sector, and the development of the university education system.
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P> The agenda of Sunday’s session includes a review of the general discussion request submitted by MP Muhammad Al -Manzlawi and more than twenty members; To clarify the government’s policy, regarding: & quot; ways to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the insurance sector, and to protect non -banking financial transactions and accelerate the digital transformation to achieve financial inclusion in the non -banking financial sector & quot;
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as The general discussion request reviews from MP Najeh Jalal and more than twenty members; To clarify the government’s policy, regarding: & quot; Development of the university education and scientific research system in Egypt & quot; as well as the request submitted by MP Adel Al -Lamai and more than twenty members; To clarify the government’s policy, regarding: & quot; mechanisms for improving the quality of the research and technological system and ways to direct scientific research towards priority specializations, develop the system of external missions and enhance the participation of Egyptian scientists abroad & quot;
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The agenda also includes – to discuss the report of the Joint Committee from the Financial, Economic and Investment Committee and the Office of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee on the request submitted by Representative Sameh Mohamed Anwar Esmat Sadat regarding the study of the legislative impact of Article 29 of Law No. 95 of 1992, regarding the issuance of the Ras Market Law Money on direct investment activities, risk capital, and two articles (46 bis 2, 50) of the Income Tax Law issued by Law No. 91 of 2005 regarding incentives and tax transactions for the aforementioned activities.
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The Council shall be presented – during the Sunday session also – the reports of the Energy, Environment and Manpower Committee on public discussion requests submitted by MP Ahmed Al -Qenawi, and more than twenty members; To clarify the government’s policy regarding & quot; the efforts of the Ministry of Labor and its professional offices in the file of protection and combating illegal immigration, and creating job opportunities for young people through developing skills and future labor market requirements and competitive workforce & quot; and the request submitted by MP Hisham Al -Hajj Ali, and more than twenty members ; To clarify the government’s policy on & quot; building that has seen and rehabilitated Egyptian human capital to meet the requirements of the local and international market & quot;
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The requests for public discussion also include the request submitted by MP Ihab Wahba, and more From twenty members on & quot; improving the work environment, providing appropriate job opportunities, stimulating free employment, eliminating unemployment & quot;, MP Tayseer Matar, and more than twenty members & quot; strengthening the countries of the external labor representation offices to support Egyptians working abroad & quot;
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The agenda also includes reviewing suggestions with desires submitted by deputies on public issues and demands. On the agenda of the previous session.