The Doctors Syndicate holds a preparatory meeting for the extraordinary general assembly regarding medical liability

The General Syndicate of Physicians, headed by the General Syndicate, Dr. Osama Abdel-Hay, today, Saturday, The preparatory meeting for the extraordinary general assembly scheduled to be held next Friday, January 3, 2025, at Dar Al-Hekma, to demand amendment of the draft medical liability law submitted by the government, in the presence of a number of captains and members of the general and subsidiary councils of unions.
The meeting resulted in the following:
First: Adherence to the fundamental amendments to the draft law that I demanded. The union, which is:
– Limiting imprisonment in cases of medical harm to the perpetrator of gross medical negligence, such as practicing medicine in a non-specialty other than emergency situations, and performing illegal interventions or unlicensed methods.
– Liability for medical error in the event of harm to the patient is only a civil liability, represented by financial compensation.
– In all cases, it is not permissible Pretrial detention of the medical service provider before the issuance of a final report from the Supreme Committee for Medical Liability.
– It is necessary to clearly stipulate that the insurance fund shall bear the full financial compensation assigned to the patient in the event of a medical error.< /p>
– The Supreme Committee for Medical Liability and its subcommittees shall be the technical expert for the investigation and litigation authorities.
Second: Discussing several Escalation steps are presented to the association
The meeting called on doctors to follow the General Syndicate of Doctors website and its Facebook page to contribute to the discussion of the working paper to be presented to the General Assembly for a vote.
The attendees also appealed to all doctors. From all governorates, there will be a massive attendance at the Extraordinary General Assembly next Friday, January 3, 2025, at two in the afternoon, with registration starting at 10 in the morning, until the beginning of the General Assembly.