The Children and Motherhood President visits Shalatin to determine the services and activities provided to children

Sahar Al -Sanbati: We will work to provide all the needs of the child and the mother & quot; Bashlatin & quot; In cooperation with all concerned authorities & nbsp; h2> & nbsp; h2>
Dr. Sahar Al -Sanbati, President of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, and a number of members of the Council, visited the city of Shalatin with the aim of inspecting the services provided and needs Children, and work to provide them, taking into account the best interest of children.
I explained & quot; Al -Sanbati & quot; The council delegation started the visit program by participating in the opening of the medical convoy carried out by Ain Shams University in Shalatin Central Hospital, where clinics were inspected that provide all medical services for children, and was keen & quot; Al -Sanbati & quot; On a dialogue with the children and the hesitants on the convoy and their families to learn about their needs and work to provide them, the symposium executed at the Nursing School on effective communication skills was also inspected. To visit Sadat Primary Primary School, where the academic and technical activities that are presented for children were inspected, and a celebration was held to honor the children of the council’s ambassadors, and some gifts are presented to them. The National Initiative to Enabling Girls (Di) and the National Initiative to Empower the Child (Bena Pullet). Children gave some offers Technical, where the activities of the executing of children and the presentation of messages for the rights of the child included and protecting it from exposure, and a training technical workshop was implemented with the participation of female students to train them in music and singing. (Doui) and the National Initiative to Empower the Child (Bena Pullet), which was held at the Shalatin Media Complex in the presence Social workers at the Directorate of Education and representatives of the Directorate of Youth, Sports and Culture.
and directed & quot; Al -Sanbati & quot; Thanks to all leaders in the Red Sea Governorate and the city of Shalatin for supporting the implementation of that visit to achieve its goals, noting that the child and mother’s right to a better future in Egypt, especially the border cities such as Shalatin. That this visit contributed to increasing communication between the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the children of Shalatin, noting that the Egyptian child is talented by nature and only needs to refine his talents and that this visit is the beginning of other activities that will be implemented over the coming periods based on a work plan targeting the child and the mother in Shalatin. < /P>
The President of the Council was accompanied, during the visit, Magda Hanna, Deputy Governor of the Red Sea, and Brigadier General Mohamed Al -Banna, President of Shalatin, And Dr. Karam Malak and Omar Hijazi, member of the Board of Directors of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, Dr. Rasha Adel, Undersecretary of the Health Affairs Directorate in the governorate, Karima Saeed, Director of Public Relations and Head of the Child Protection Unit in Shalatin, and Fayza Ahmed, Undersecretary of the Education Directorate in the governorate, and Sabri Mohamed, Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate in the governorate and Muhammad Al -Houti, leader Tribal Affairs Office, some popular leaders and tribal elders in Shalatin.
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