A future plan to help 3 million students in the secondary education system to develop their skills to keep pace with their counterparts in different countries, and to provide job opportunities and study in various local and international labor markets, in addition to reducing the number of materials from 32 subjects to approximately 8 to 10 articles To be commensurate with what Egyptian students study in international schools in Egypt, as well as reduce pressure on parents and psychological and material burden associated with high school exams, all of this was enough to push the government during the last period to announce the proposal of the new Egyptian baccalaureate system, and it was presented in a dialogue An extensive community with all concerned authorities to reach the best formulation before taking any official steps to apply it on the ground.
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The pre -announcement stage
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The secondary education system in Egypt witnessed several problems during the previous years, including the great deficit in the percentage of teachers of basic materials, in addition to the high percentage of Absolute absence every year in most secondary schools, and the strong pressure on families in the high school stage because of their material burden due to the private lessons that begin several months before the start of the school year, and then the Ministry of Education made several decisions to prepare the secondary education system for the new proposal For high school, the most prominent of them was to reduce student densities to less than 50 students after reaching 80 students in many high -density governorates, as well as treating the problem of deficit in the numbers of teachers, especially in basic materials, as well as the attendance rate of students that currently reaches more than 85 %, After it did not exceed 9%, to 15%in public schools.
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The reason for changing the current system
& nbsp; Every year the student’s fate is determined throughout his life, and he decides for him the college that he will join and the profession in which he will work, and there is no opportunity for the student if he is subjected to any compelling circumstance to amend a path or change his future, so the goal was to make the student determine his fate and choose his future himself, and provide an opportunity to improve more than Once he can achieve a nipple with his diligence.
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There is also a need for a new system in secondary education that allows foreign authorities to adopt it, and then it can be Egyptian students from work or joining universities in all countries of the world, and there is another need for a balance between the high school system in government schools and the foreign systems in Egypt, such as: British and American high school diploma.
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Details of the baccalaureate system. One is the addition of the debt material to the total, and the programming material, which is an outside of the total as an introductory and preliminary subject for students so that it can recognize it.
& nbsp; Religion, Arabic, history and foreign language, in addition to the specialization materials that the student chooses based on the college he wishes to join, and based on the proposed paths that were placed in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education.
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These tracks include 4 main tracks that the student can join in universities: & laquo; the medical and life science sector – the natural sciences sector, engineering and technology – business administration and social sciences – the literature and humanities sector Path. It also gives him the right to determine and amend its course in line with its capabilities, in addition to the stability to put 100 equal degrees for all subjects came to ensure that the basic materials are equal in importance, and some general rules were placed within the Egyptian baccalaureate system, which is that the student has two opportunities to enter the exam During the school year, the role of May, July, the role of June and August.
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Freedom to choose. Two basic subjects will be studied, & laquo, high -level biology – chemistry high level & raquo; Besides choosing a subject from the two & laquos or physics & raquo, but if the student’s trends tend to study & laquo; engineering and computer science & raquo; The two & laquo mathematics are high level and physics high level & raquo; Besides choosing a substance from the two & laquos & programming & raquo; if his trends are towards studying & laquo; Business Administration & Raquo; Two basic subjects will be studied & laquo; high -level economy and mathematics & raquo; Besides choosing a subject from the two & laquos or business administration & raquo; and if the student’s trends tend to study & laquo; arts and arts & raquo; The two & laquos, geography, high level and statistics & raquo; besides choosing a subject from the two & laquos; psychology or the second foreign language & raquo;.
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A dispute over the addition of religious education to the total
& nbsp; There is no specialization in the colleges of education for Christian religious education teachers, and the size of the curricula may differ between the two articles, which may lead to the lack of social justice among students, but the Ministry of Education had a different opinion, which is that adding religious education to the total It is based on the consolidation of the religious and moral values and constants of students in light of the openness to the world.
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The added is made according to specific criteria, including defining a book for Islamic religious education, and a book for Christian religious education , In coordination and cooperation between the central administration for the development of curricula, the honorable Al -Azhar and the Church, provided that the topics deal with the ethical entrance and values while controlling the relative weight of the books, and correcting the exams of this article will be electronically, as education and ethics are one of the basic elements that must be completed by the education process, as not The role of science only depends on the transfer of knowledge and skills, but rather extends to the formation of the personality and building moral values and positive behaviors, such as honesty, altruism, respect for the other, and other values that work to prepare students to be active citizens in society.
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Labor market locally and internationally
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The provision of trained labor for the local and global labor market is a fundamental goal of developing the educational system, in order to reach a student who is qualified with the skills and skills necessary to keep up with The developments witnessed by the labor market, and the follow -up of the developments that have occurred in various professional fields and modern technological specialties, which applies to the new Egyptian baccalaureate system in conjunction with the development of study programs in universities to suit the interference in modern scientific disciplines.
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The founding year & nbsp; in universities
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The foundation year system aims to prepare the student to enroll in the university stage, and reduce the cognitive gap between public education outcomes and performance requirements at the university stage; In order to provide the university student with the skills and competencies that qualify him to enter the labor market and grant to the student who did not obtain the minimum levels of qualification for a specific specialization by a difference of 5%, which gives him the opportunity to join the desired specialization, as the aim of this year is to enhance students academic and technical skills; What contributes to reducing the gap between the outputs of higher education and the requirements of the labor market, and leads to the provision of qualified cadres that meet his needs. A study abroad, which is the system in force globally, as well as in the branches of foreign universities in Egypt, as it is characterized by flexibility and depends on the approved hours system, and aims to provide opportunities for admission to private, private and technological universities.
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Community dialogue
& nbsp; A comprehensive community dialogue on the new education system with the aim of reassuring students and parents before applying this system, and then the Ministries of Education and Higher Education conducted many meetings between deputies, university heads, former ministers, media professionals, teachers, school principals, heads of party and parents at the level of the Republic with the aim of reaching the best Drafting for the new proposal before it is submitted to the Ministerial Group for Human Development, then to the Council of Ministers, then to the People’s Assembly to issue the law related to the new system.