The African and Asian Writers Union honors Hoda Naguib Mahfouz within the “Children and Grandchildren” initiative

The African, Asian and Non-Adoptive American Writers Union launched an initiative entitled (Children and Grandchildren). The initiative aims – according to a statement by the Union – to honor selected examples of the children and grandchildren of great writers, scholars, thinkers and philosophers, who contribute to protecting the heritage of their fathers and grandfathers, preserving their works and contributions, and reminding Writer Ahmed Al-Muslimani, former advisor to the President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the African and Asian Writers Union, said: We aim to send a message of appreciation to the families of creative people who have passed away, and who deal with knowledge production as intellectual heirs and cultural guardians, not just as financial heirs. Hoda Naguib Mahfouz (Umm Kulthum) received the first honor from the Union of Writers of Africa, Asia and Latin America within the framework of the (Children and Grandchildren) initiative.
Hoda Naguib Mahfouz said: I was happy. I am extremely honored by this honor from an ancient federation whose history extends back to 66 years, and for me this is my first honor, so my pride in it is without limits.
She added that I have knowledge of the meetings. The Secretary-General of the Union with my father, and the story of Naguib Mahfouz writing the introduction to the book The Age of Knowledge by Dr. Ahmed Zewail, which was published by Dar Al-Shorouk. It was the introduction that my father dictated to Professor Al-Muslimani, then he signed it in his own handwriting.
The Union of Writers of Africa, Asia and Latin America held a number of seminars and events inside and outside Egypt. Last August, the Union participated in the activities of the Arab Thought Forum in Amman, headed by Prince Hassan bin Talal, where Prince Hassan asked the Union to participate in formulating a knowledge strategy. New to the Arab world. It is noteworthy that the African and Asian Writers Union was established In 1958 in Sri Lanka, its founding conference was held in Turkey, then Latin America joined it after the Union’s conference in Vietnam in 2013, and when the writer Youssef Al-Sibai, the former Egyptian Minister of Culture, took over the leadership of the Union, he moved its headquarters to Cairo.
The Union – which is the intellectual backbone of the Non-Aligned Movement and includes (47) countries from three continents – witnessed a major role for a number of symbols of thought and culture… led by the literary and writer Lotfi Al-Kholy, who assumed the position of Secretary-General of the Union. Following Youssef Al-Sibai. Among his intellectual elite were the writer Abd al-Rahman al-Sharqawi, the poet Mahmoud Darwish, the writer Edward al-Kharrat, and a number of knowledge leaders on both continents.
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