The Women’s Affairs, Human Rights and People with Disabilities Unit, headed by Counselor Brihan Mohsen, in cooperation with the Judicial Training Center headed by Counselor Ayman Nabil, held the fourth interactive training for members of the administrative prosecution, under the title “Combating violence against women, communication skills and arts, and leadership,” with the participation of (31) ) from members of the Administrative Prosecution, over the course of two days, November 16 – 17, 2024, at the headquarters of the Administrative Prosecution Presidency.
The activities of the first day began with a welcome speech by Counselor Ayman Nabil, Vice President of the Commission and Director of the Judicial Training Center, in which he welcomed the attendees and conveyed to them the sincere greetings of Counselor Abdel Radi Siddiq, Chairman of the Commission, and his wishes that the training program would achieve its desired results amid effective and valuable participation from the attending members. p>
He expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts made in preparing and coordinating this training program in cooperation between the Human Rights, Women and Children Sector of the Ministry of Justice, the National Council for Women, and the Women’s Affairs, Human Rights and People with Disabilities Unit, to discuss and present a very important topic, which is combating violence against women and the skills and arts of communication and leadership. Which international efforts have joined forces to combat, as it is a stumbling block to achieving sustainable development and reducing the gender gap.
For her part, Judge Rasha Mahfouz confirmed Head of the Appeal, Head of the Technical Office of the Human, Women and Children’s Rights Sector at the Ministry of Justice, in her speech, stressed the Ministry’s interest in the issue of violence against women due to its extreme danger to society, through continuous efforts, cooperation and coordination with all concerned parties to eliminate all forms of violence against women, especially in light of a legislative structure. An integrated set of constitutional and legal texts dedicated to equality and non-discrimination among citizens.
Dr. Nisreen Al-Baghdadi – member of the National Council for Women, also expressed her sincere happiness in cooperating with the Ministry of Justice and the Administrative Prosecution in managing this important file on combating violence against women. She also stressed the existence of many statutory legislations that denounced this type of crime, especially in light of the conclusion of a group International agreements that prohibit such behavior against women, especially since the women’s empowerment strategy adopted by the state includes provisions preventing the commission of any act that involves violence or harm to women.
In her speech, Counselor Brehan Mohsen, Vice President of the Commission and Director of the Women’s Affairs, Human Rights, and People with Disabilities Unit, expressed her great pleasure in cooperating with the Ministry of Justice and the National Council for Women in raising and discussing this extremely dangerous issue that requires all forces to come together to confront it at all levels.
Her sovereignty stressed the Administrative Prosecution’s keen interest in this file, and its keenness to support the principle of equality and equal opportunities, to which the unit was established, for the files it undertakes that include protecting women’s rights, paying attention to their societal issues, and combating any abuse or intransigence to which they may be exposed, under the protection Constitutional and legislative provisions that criminalize these acts, wishing all participants success in benefiting from the training program.
The training program included a set of lectures, which were as follows in chronological order:
"National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women 2015-2020, National Strategy for Empowering Egyptian Women 2030, National Referral System for Basic Services" It was delivered by Isis Mahmoud Hafez – Head of the Central Administration for Training and Development at the National Council for Women.
"A review of the efforts of the Ministry of Justice in protecting women and combating violence against women", which was kindly delivered by Counselor Rasha Mahfouz, Head of Appeals and Head of the Technical Office in the Human Rights, Women and Children Sector at the Ministry of Justice.
"The legal dimension and legislative framework for crimes of violence against women, conducting the final investigation, and managing the sessions" It was kindly delivered by Counselor Ahmed Al-Najjar Head of Appeal and Advisor to the Anti-Violence Unit at the National Council for Women.
"Preparing leaders (leadership and decision-making)" It was delivered by Nashwa Al-Hofi, member of the National Council for Women.
"The international dimension of crimes of violence against women and international agreements" It was delivered by Counselor Hani Georgi – Head of Appeals – Member of the Legislative Committee of the National Council for Women.
"Communication skills and arts, the art of advancement and public speaking", delivered by Dr. Nisreen al-Baghdadi – member of the National Council for Women – professor of sociology at the National Center for Social and Criminological Research.
"The role of forensic medicine in proving cases of violence against women" It was delivered by Dr. Dina Shukri Professor of Forensic Medicine at Cairo University and Head of the Department at the Armed Forces College of Medicine. Member of the Forensic Advisory Board at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Consultant for training and development.
This came under the patronage of Counselor Adnan Fanjari, Minister of Justice, Counselor Abdel Radi Siddiq, Head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, and Judge Amal Ammar, President of the National Council for Women.