Speaker of Parliament: The Social Security and Cash Support Law aims to achieve economic empowerment for families

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, confirmed that the draft “Social Security and Cash Support Law” It aims not only to provide support, but also to achieve economic empowerment for families
The Council approved Article (9), the origin of which is Article No. (7)After introducing some amendments to it it states "For the beneficiary family to continue receiving conditional cash support (takaful) in a full and periodic manner, the following conditions must be met:
1–The family must commit, as the case may be, to following up on primary health programs for mothers, pregnant and lactating mothers, and children under six years of age, including following up on children’s growth, and adhering to all vaccinations scheduled for children, in accordance with health care programs determined by a decision of the Minister. The specialist in agreement with the Minister concerned with health affairs.
2–Children in the age group (6-18 years) must be enrolled in schools with an attendance rate of no less than 80% in < /span>Every semester, children in the age group (18-26 years) are enrolled in the stages of higher-intermediate education or university education on the condition of regular success in each academic year. An exception may be made from the attendance percentage requirement or Regular success or completion of studies at the age specified for compelling circumstances determined by the competent minister in accordance with the controls and procedures specified by the executive regulations of this law.
The House of Representatives witnessed an amendment Article (10) has its origins in Article (8) of the Social Security and Cash Support Law, so that the re-examination of the case whose support was stopped will take place 6 months after the suspension and not a year. This came based on the amendment presented by the representative Amira Abu Shaqa, a member of the House of Representatives, said during the plenary session that families who are suffering cannot wait a whole year, and shortening the period to 6 months is better, which is what the government agreed to, represented by the Minister of Social Solidarity, Dr. Maya Morsi, It was also approved by Representative Ahmed Fathi, representative of the Social Solidarity Committee and rapporteur of the committee’s report.
The amended article stipulates " The conditional cash support is permanently suspended from the family in the event of non-compliance for the fourth time, and the case may be re-examined one year after the suspension based on a request submitted by the beneficiary family, in accordance with the procedures regulated by the executive regulations of this law< /span>.
The beneficiary family may file a grievance with the competent directorate against the decision to stop support within sixty days from the date of its notification by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any other means specified by the executive regulations of this law; To consider lifting the suspension if necessary, or to reject the grievance.
The administrative authority works in coordination with the rest of the ministries and concerned authorities to remove the causes of non-compliance in accordance with the controls and standards specified by the executive regulations of this law.
The article stipulated Article (10) originates from Article (8)
The administrative authority may take the following measures in the event that the beneficiary family does not comply with the conditions referred to in Article (9) of this law, after being notified thereof by a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any other means specified by the executive regulations of this law span>:
1–A deduction of 30% of the value of the conditional cash support (Takaful), in the event of non-compliance for the first time, and the discounted amount may be returned to the family if they comply.
2–60% deduction from the value of conditional cash support (Takaful), in the event of non-compliance for the second time, and it may be refunded< /span>
Only 30% of the value of the discounted amount is for the family if it commits.
3–Deducting 90% of the value of the conditional cash support (Takaful), in the event of non-compliance for the third time, and only 30% of the value of the discounted amount may be returned to the family if they comply span>.
The conditional cash support is permanently suspended from the family in the event of non-compliance for the fourth time, and the case may be re-examined one year after the suspension based on a request submitted by the beneficiary family, in accordance with the procedures regulated by the executive regulations of this law span>.
The beneficiary family may file a grievance with the competent directorate against the decision to stop support within sixty days from the date of its notification by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any other means specified by the executive regulations of this law; To consider lifting the suspension if necessary, or to reject the grievance.
The administrative authority works in coordination with the rest of the ministries and concerned authorities to remove the causes of non-compliance in accordance with the controls and standards specified by the executive regulations of this law.