
Sheikh Al -Azhar: The tightness of creation has control and protection for opposites from overwhelming one another

The Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar, said that the name of God Almighty & quot; Al -Hakim & quot; It is only interpreted on the two weights, either to be interpreted on the weight of & quot & quot; In the sense of knowing, or to be explained by the weight of & quot; activated & quot; In the sense of a tight, by breaking the Kef, and its meaning is the rulings because it has tightened things, that is, he mastered them and the best appreciation, in accordance with the Almighty saying: & quot; who is good for everything that created it and began to create the human being from the clay & quot; Divine also includes some creatures in which good does not appear, such as insects and minimum creatures, because the divine good does not mean the apparent beauty or splendor and narration, for beauty and good deism is not only the beauty of form, but what is meant in & quot; which is the best of everything created & quot; Here is the mastery of creation, and this is important because perfection in creation, especially in man, shows a between us.

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& nbsp; It is valid for the Divine Hassan in the sense of mastery of creation, and therefore the Almighty said in a second verse: & quot; He who has the king of the heavens and the earth, and he did not take a child, and he did not have a partner in the king, and created everything, so he said: & quot; Best everything created & quot; However, it is good appreciation and mastery of creation and not good shape and apparent beauty, and for this the significance of some minimum creatures such as insects and others, which do not appear beautiful for us, on the existence of God Almighty such as the significance of mountains, earth and heavens, because it contains appreciation and mastery of creation known to the worlds, and therefore when we see them we stand with them and say & quot; Glory be to God & quot;

& nbsp; The largest is that what is meant by mastery is the meaning of & quot; the best & quot; protection, and it has a sergeant and protecting opposites from overwhelming one another, for the human being in his complex creation consists of internal devices and has a certain temperature, and when his temperature rises a little and reaches 40 degrees, he worries and feels fatigue, except that the mastery of God Almighty to create him is responsible for controlling the heat of man at 37 degrees, Estimation and mastery of creation, pointing out that one of the most surprising things regarding the issue of good estimated and mastery of creation is related to the process of pollinating flowers, some of which pollinate insects and some of which is pollinated by the wind, and those that pollinate the wind do not need temptations to fertilize, the wind always blows and helps them to pollinate, while the other plants that pollinate insects have been provided with a beautiful color, and with a specific fragrance that attracts this insect. To vaccinate it.

& nbsp; From clay, except that it is tight and elaborate, so how does this mind come out of this mind and this spirit and all of the mud are, so its creation and gave it the mind and thinking and bear responsibility, sense, feeling, love, anger, etc., and these are all not the characteristics of clay, then the spirit that was blown in it, this is the mastery that indicates wisdom, it is glory be to Him & quot; Hakim & quot; In a sense of creation to create things.

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