Several injured in explosion at Pushmataha County Sheriff’s Office as deputies rush to move inmates

Oklahoma sheriff’s deputies and officers were injured when an explosion went off at the Pushmataha County Sheriff’s Office and Jail on Thursday.
Two officers and two deputies sustained minor injuries in the blast, Sheriff BJ Hedgecock told KXII.
He noted that both the sheriff’s office and jail sections of the building were rocked by the explosion and said that it occurred at the back of the building, in an office.
The two officers who were injured were treated at the scene, and the two deputies who suffered from smoke inhalation were brought to a local emergency room.
Inmates who were housed at the jail have been moved to facilities in nearby counties as a precaution, KTUL reports.
‘All staff are safe and all inmates were unharmed and have been distributed to different counties,’ the Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook.
Investigators are now working to determine what may have caused the blast.
An explosion went off at the Pushmataha County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday
This is a breaking news story and will be updated.