Secretary of the Women for"New independents": The tenth of Ramadan .. The decision to make victory and the will to make glory

Tenth of Ramadan, a drawing of the Egyptians is a new life entitled Victory, a victory made by faith and sacrifice, and the dignity of the soul. It was not just a day in history. Rather, it was a living testimony that fateful decisions need strong men, who had determination and will to write a new future for the homeland. On the anniversary of the victory of 73, we celebrate the victory of the victory, which was and still is a great epic that the Egyptian will and the love of the homeland. The Egyptian parties, that the memory of the tenth of Ramadan will remain a source of pride for every Egyptian, as it embodied the most wonderful meanings of sacrifice and redemption. Civil works, or by carrying the burdens of the country in the most difficult moments. She also stressed that the spirit of the tenth of Ramadan should be an inspiration for new generations, especially in light of the challenges facing the Egyptian state today, calling on everyone to work with a spirit of victory to continue building and achieving development. Ramadan is just a military victory, but rather a turning point in the modern history of Egypt, where the Egyptians regained their confidence in their strength and their ability to face any enemy. The October War was 73 heroic epic, which showed the world that the Egyptians did not know the impossible, and that the solid will is able to break any restriction. Today, as we celebrate this glorious anniversary, we are inspired by the lessons of pride and dignity, and we confirm that the spirit of October will remain renewed in the conscience of future generations, pushing them to work and build for a future worthy of the sacrifices of heroes.