Referring 8 employees with "Teaching Qaliubiya" For disciplinary trial for their manipulation of the accommodation of the pensioned leave

The Administrative Prosecution Authority has referred 8 of the current and former workers in one of the educational departments of the Directorate of Education in Qalioubia to the disciplinary trial, against the backdrop of manipulation of the forgery way in official editing by editing data with regular leave balances for a number of workers referred to the pension whose service has ended, and the use of these forged documents by submitting them to the administrative courts for the purpose of claiming With the disbursement of money that is not due in exchange for the imaginary balance of these holidays.
The Administrative Prosecution mentioned & ndash; In a statement today & ndash; The accusation list included the administration’s employee affairs official, 4 officials of the current and former vacation department, a financial and administrative mentor, the former director of workers affairs, and a former legal affairs. Registered with the records of those schools, and issuing data with a balance of leave for a number of employees referred to the pension in a random manner without referring to the licenses records in the educational administration, or for the schools they worked in. In service, it was found that certificates of experience in the names of some workers contain statements that violate the truth, and the failure of the officials to follow the legal procedures when extracting these certificates, as well as violations that marred the process of preserving the employees’ data, and issuing data with the balances of leave randomly without referring to the files of employees. By conducting a metaphor for fixed lines and signatures on the documents subject to the investigation, where the administration’s report was received, including the editing and signing of the defendants from the first to the seventh – each according to his competence – on those documents with its data that violates the truth. Former workers in the educational administration included data contrary to the truth, and the adoption of these data for the purpose of using it before the judiciary to obtain the cash compensation for the balance without the right. An investigation and without informing the administrative prosecution with the obligatory jurisdiction, for which the exclusive jurisdiction is held in the investigation of financial violations in accordance with the text of the law.