Protectors of the Homeland in Sohag: Inspired by the spirit of October to achieve economic and social prosperity

Dr. Mukhtar Hammam, Secretary General of the Protectors of the Homeland Party in Sohag Governorate, said that the memory of the October victories inspires resolve and determination to build our beloved homeland, Egypt, and not to follow the biased and haters, and we must always remain one hand forever to preserve and advance the capabilities of our country.
The Secretary-General of the Protectors of the Homeland in Sohag congratulated President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, our armed forces, and the masses of Egyptians on the occasion of the celebration of the 51st anniversary of the October victories. He also paid tribute to our righteous martyrs who sacrificed their lives to preserve the nation’s soil and support it.He called on Mukhtar Hammam called on all Egyptians to be inspired by the spirit of the October victory in working and diligently, each in his field and specialty, in order to advance our beloved homeland more and more to achieve economic and social prosperity and political stability, as well as paying attention to the machinations and evils that surround us.
The Secretary of the Protectors of the Homeland stressed In Sohag, the masses of Egyptians stand behind the political leadership and support taking any decisions to preserve the security and stability of the country.