
"Protectors of the homeland" In Sinbellaween, he delivers blankets to the people as part of a warm winter initiative

With joy on their faces, a number of citizens received winter blankets as a gift from the “Protectors of the Homeland” party. Sinbillawain Municipality in Dakahlia Governorate, as part of the continuation of the “Warm Winter” initiative. To distribute blankets to people in all governorates, which was launched by the “Guardians of the Homeland” party. Throughout the republic.


The secretariat of the “Guardians of the Homeland” party launched In Sinbellaween, under the patronage of Lieutenant General Jalal Haridi, Chairman of the Party, Major General Ahmed Al-Awadi, First Deputy Chairman of the Party, Chairman of the Defense and National Security Committee in the House of Representatives, and Secretary of the Secretariat of the Sinbellaween Center, Major General Sami Al-Agouz, the “Warm Winter” initiative In conjunction with the start of the winter season, a large group of blankets was distributed to low-income and poor people within the framework of the political leadership’s directives to take all necessary measures to support the social protection system for citizens under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic.


This comes within the framework of the continued efforts of the “Guardians of the Homeland” Party. To lift the burdens on the shoulders of citizens and based on the party’s social responsibility aimed at contributing to providing all aspects of humanitarian and social care to citizens.


For their part, the people of Sinbellaween thanked the “Guardians of the Homeland” party. ;, for his concern for citizens, especially the simple ones, and providing them with winter blankets, stressing that the “Protectors of the Homeland” party He is always busy with simple citizens and works to alleviate the burdens on their shoulders.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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