Porsche-racing socialite, 68, hit by outrageous sex and greed claims as tells husband $30m is not enough

A Porsche-racing Colorado socialite has been hit by scandalous claims of child abuse, infidelity and extravagant greed amid the fallout from a messy $30 million divorce from her restaurant tycoon husband.

The salacious allegations about Renee Brinkerhoff, 68, come from her own children, who have taken opposing sides in the split from their father William Brinkerhoff, 70.

The former couple are well known in Denver as the owners of La Loma, chain of Mexican restaurants, which have since been divided up following their divorce.

Renee also made a name for herself by using a 1965 Porsche to become the first person to race a car across all seven continents, through her non-profit Valkyrie Races.

Despite receiving a $29 million divorce settlement and $50,000-a-month maintenance, Renee is now suing her ex-husband over allegations he stole business shares after the judge in their divorce found that he had used a ‘series of concealed machinations’ to ice her out.

In filings first obtained by the Denver Post, Renee accused William of infidelity and coercive control which she claimed was rooted in fundamentalist Christian beliefs about men’s superiority to women.

She alleged that he schemed to swindle her out of her share of ownership in the restaurant and secretly handed it over to their younger son, Mark. 

Mark and his father have categorically denied her claims and are also being supported by the coupe’s younger daughter Juliette.

William and Renee Brinkerhoff’s acrimonious divorce has split their wealthy Colorado family down the middle after a judge ruled William had swindled his ex-wife out of her share of their restaurant businesses

‘Now that my ex-wife Renee Brinkerhoff is using false information to cause reputational damage, they have decided to speak out and share their truth,’ William said.

Renee daughter and daughter-in-law have now accused her of a catalog of abuse, greed, egotism and hypocritical closeness to handsome men, with those claims detailed in full below… 

Daughter claims mom was abuser – not dad 

In her filings, Renee asserted that she was the victim of psychological and financial abuse at the hands of husband William, who she claimed isolated her and even insisted on being copied into all her communications with friends.

However, Juliette has now blasted this narrative and says in an affidavit it was her mom who, ‘ruled with an iron rod, not figuratively but literally’.

‘Anyone looking into our life from the outside in believed our lives were idyllic, but that was far from the truth,’ Juliette said. Instead, our home was filled with my Mother’s daily rage.’

She claimed her mom would routinely beat her and her siblings with, ‘anything she could find to hit us – a pipe, wooden spoon, belt, anything to inflict pain’ if they failed to get top grades or messed up in piano practice.

She alleges her mom played favorites, lavishing gifts and attention on her older sister Christina, while either ignoring or exploding at her.

‘My Mom was obsessed with portraying to both my father and the outside world that we were the perfect family,’ the affidavit states. ‘She did not want us to embarrass her, and she did not want anyone to know about her anger and abuse.’

She claims her mom shamed her after she confided in her about being raped by a friend at college.

Renee accused her husband of financial and psychological abuse, however this has since been refuted by her daughter Juliette who claims her mom was physically abusive to her and her siblings when they were kids. Pictured: Renee Brinkerhoff with children William Jr, Juliette, Christina and Mark Brinkerhoff (L-R) in a childhood photo

Renee accused her husband of financial and psychological abuse, however this has since been refuted by her daughter Juliette who claims her mom was physically abusive to her and her siblings when they were kids. Pictured: Renee Brinkerhoff with children William Jr, Juliette, Christina and Mark Brinkerhoff (L-R) in a childhood photo

Juliette Brinkerhoff, pictured with mom Renee, has sided with her dad during the bitter legal fight

Juliette Brinkerhoff, pictured with mom Renee, has sided with her dad during the bitter legal fight

‘My Mother made clear that I was to keep my mouth shut, never tell anyone about the assault, because if anyone ever found out, it would humiliate her and reflect poorly on our family,’ the affidavit states.

Juliette also refuted her mother’s claims that her ex-husband was ‘overly religious’ stating the family rarely attended church. 

Accused husband of affairs – but had her own ‘handsome male companions’

In her lawsuit Renee accused William of chronic infidelity, which she said she disclosed to a therapist.

Her litigation psychologist wrote in a report last year that William had a ‘long history of infidelity’ and would allegedly threaten further indiscretions to punish his ex-wife or coerce her into doing what he wanted. 

However, both Juliette and Mark’s wife Johanna Brinkerhoff claim that their mom flirted with the young male navigators she worked with as part of her charity Porsche racing.

‘While travelling for races, Renee rarely checked in William. He would often reach out to ask how things were going and she would dismissively say she was tired,’ Johanna’s affidavit reads.

‘In reality, she was socializing with other men at the races, often not wearing her wedding ring’.

‘My mother made it clear that she only wanted to work with navigators that were young and good looking,’ Juliette’s affidavit adds.

Renee accused her ex-husband of historic infidelity, but her daughter Juliette and daughter-in-law Johanna say she used to take her wedding ring off to flirt with attractive male navigators during her Porsche races across the world

Renee accused her ex-husband of historic infidelity, but her daughter Juliette and daughter-in-law Johanna say she used to take her wedding ring off to flirt with attractive male navigators during her Porsche races across the world

‘Many times, she would take off her wedding ring so she could flirt with all the male drivers while my Dad was not around.’

Johanna also alluded to WhatsApp messages sent from Renee to her handsome male companions and the counter-suit suggests there may be written proof of her closeness to these men.  

William denied being unfaithful and submitted his own psychologist’s report, which points out that Renee’s therapist never spoke with him and was based entirely on Renee’s self-reporting.

Demands for jewels, property and remodels 

As one of Colorado’s most esteemed families, the Brinkerhoffs enjoyed a life in the lap of luxury, flitting between their Denver mansions and Hawaiian properties.

‘The parties earned and lived a lavish lifestyle,’ Judge Meyer remarked. ‘They could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. When they traveled, they stayed at five-star hotels.

‘They have over one-half dozen luxury vehicles, belong to three elite country clubs, dine at the best restaurants and drink the best wine. They enjoyed and achieved a privileged lifestyle.’ 

But this was not enough for Renee, according to filings in her husband’s case.

‘My mom always complained that her diamond ring was not big enough, that she did not have a house big enough, that she didn’t have enough shoes, or cars, or trips, or country clubs,’ Juliette’s affidavit states.

‘My dad was afraid to upset my mother, and he would give her whatever she wanted.’

William contends he forked out millions on her passion for racing, ‘but it was never enough’.

Renee pictured with her eldest daughter Christina Brinkerhoff. Juliette claims her mom always showered her sister with love while icing her out

Renee pictured with her eldest daughter Christina Brinkerhoff. Juliette claims her mom always showered her sister with love while icing her out

Renee received a $29.5 million divorce settlement, which includes $8.5 million of Hawaiian real estate, but is still pursuing further litigation over claims she was swindled out of her share of their Mexican restaurant business

Renee received a $29.5 million divorce settlement, which includes $8.5 million of Hawaiian real estate, but is still pursuing further litigation over claims she was swindled out of her share of their Mexican restaurant business

His affidavit narrates an alleged incident in which Renee demanded entirely new furniture for an at-home TV interview for Good Morning America. 

‘She remodeled our Agoura, California home and Hawaii vacation home completely on her own, while working with designers at great expense,’ his affidavit states.

‘Renee’s statement to her litigation psychologist that she could not ‘by a lamp’ without my approval is absurd.’

Johanna, Renee’s daughter-in-law, also told of how Renee insisted on being in Hawaii for ‘whale watching season’ each year after hiring her as an assistant.  

Gigantic divorce settlement

Renee received half of the assets from her marriage in line with Colorado law on no-fault divorce.

This included two Denver homes worth more than $8 million, two Hawaii properties worth more than $10 million, three of the family’s six Mexican restaurants worth around $4 million and a $350,000 Hawaii country club, according to court documents.

Those assets come to around $29 million in total.  

Since Renee was given the least profitable of the couple’s restaurants, she will also receive an almost $5.5 million equalization payment, on top of $50,000 a month spousal support.

But she remains unhappy with the arrangement, arguing that she lost out when William ‘secretly’ sidelined her from the business in favor of her son Mark. 

‘My mom told me that she had agreed with my father that they would be 50-50 owners of the family’s restaurant business,’ Will Brinkerhoff Jr., the eldest of the couple’s four children who has sided with his mom, said in an affidavit obtained by the Denver Post.

William's lawyers argue that she is trying to get more than she is owed and deny that he was ever controlling or abusive

William’s lawyers argue that she is trying to get more than she is owed and deny that he was ever controlling or abusive

The esteemed Colorado couple divorced in December 2024 and share four adult children

The esteemed Colorado couple divorced in December 2024 and share four adult children

‘My dad confirmed this to me several times. Specifically, he told me that he regretted giving my mom an ownership stake in the family restaurant business.’

He added that he recalled hearing his dad, ‘musing whether he could revise the deal so that she was no longer an owner.’

Divorce judge William Meyer determined that William executed his plan and then sold the La Loma restaurant’s real estate for $18 million, keeping the proceeds solely for himself and using it to launch new premises.

While Renee said she believed she was a co-owner of the new restaurants, the couple’s younger son Mark was given her share of the business.

But William believes her court action is an attempt to squeeze more money out of him and sully his name.

‘My daughter Juliette and my daughter-in-law Johana have remained neutral, staying out of the divorce and legal proceedings,’ William said in a statement to 

‘However, now that my ex-wife Renee Brinkerhoff is using false information to cause reputational damage, they have decided to speak out and share their truth. 

‘My ex-wife’s falsehoods, particularly about our son Mark, have become an overused narrative, weaponized to serve her interests. 

‘Their mother, Renee has created collateral damage for all of us, especially Mark who has dedicated his life to the success of these restaurants. His mother in her greed is trying to rob him of everything he has earned.’ 

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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