Opening 3 mosques after replacement and renovation in Beni Suef at a cost exceeding 2.5 million pounds

The Governor of Beni Suef, Dr. Mohamed Hani Ghoneim, deputized the mayors of the cities of Ahnasia and Baba in opening 3 mosques today, Friday, at a cost exceeding two million and 500 thousand pounds, within the framework of the Ministry of Endowments’ plan that it is implementing in cooperation with the concerned authorities and civil society institutions to develop and establish mosques.
According to a statement by the Endowments Directorate in Beni Suef, Mohamed Bakri, head of the center and city of Biba, opened the Tawheed Mosque" In the western village of Ghayada, after replacement and renovation works on an area of 300 square metres, at a cost of two million pounds, in the presence of His Eminence Sheikh Sayed Nour, Director of the Biba Endowments Department, and a number of executive leaders and the people of the village.
Hani Al-Juwaili, the head of the city of Ihnasia, also opened the “Al-Qenawi” Mosque in Ezbet Al-Basiouni, affiliated with the Nuwaira Village Council, after its replacement and renovation on an area of 170 square meters at a cost of 250 thousand pounds “self-efforts”, in addition to the opening of the “Al-Rahman” Mosque. In Ezbat Ramzi, on an area of 300 square meters, at a cost of 300 thousand pounds, “replacement and renovation” By own efforts.
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