On the anniversary of his birth.. Learn the most important information about Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ahmadi, the former Sheikh of Al-Azhar

The Council of Senior Scholars at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif monitored the most important information about Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ahmadi Al-Zawahiri, on the anniversary of his birth, which falls on this day – the twenty-second of October 1872 AD, corresponding to the twentieth of Shaban in the year 1289 AH –
He was born Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ahmadi, son of Sheikh Ibrahim bin Ibrahim Al-Zawahiri Al-Ahmadi Al-Shafi’i, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, during whose reign the Al-Azhar University was established, and Sheikh of the Shafi’i scholars. His Eminence was born in the village of Kafr al-Zawahiri, which is affiliated with the center of Zagazig, in the Sharqiya Governorate. His father, Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Zawahiri, was a sheikh of the Ahmadi Mosque in Tanta. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ahmadi Al-Zawahiri grew up in this scholarly environment, and was influenced by its Sufi direction, to the point that he was chosen among the scholars teaching at the Ahmadi Mosque in the same year of his graduation (1902 AD), so he taught For students of grammar, logic, and principles Jurisprudence and Sufism. At the age of twenty-four, following his graduation from Al-Azhar, he wrote his book “Science and Scholars”, in which he called for the need to pay attention to education and scholars and develop education at Al-Azhar, guided by the steps of his teacher, Imam Muhammad Abduh, so he called on Muslims to learn from others in general, and to follow the steps of his teacher, Imam Muhammad Abduh He disagreed with what the other had, and fought Heresies and nonsense that hinder achieving this. Sheikh Al-Zawahiri was chosen as Sheikh of the Ahmadi Mosque in Tanta in 1332 AH/1914 AD, and contributed to the establishment of multiple associations for the advancement of preaching and preaching. Sultan Hussein Kamel also issued the Supreme Royal Order appointing Sheikh Al-Zawahiri as a member of the Supreme Al-Azhar Council. On the twenty-first of Dhu al-Qi’dah 1338 AH, corresponding to the sixth of August 1920 AD, the Sunni decree was issued appointing Sheikh Muhammad al-Ahmadi al-Zawahiri as a member of the Council of Senior Scholars. His Eminence was also granted the first-class academic robe of honor. In 1921 AD, he was appointed a member of the Senate, then he was elected Chairman of the Endowments and Religious Institutes Committee of the Senate. When Sheikh Al-Maraghi resigned in October of the year (1929 AD), Sheikh Al-Zawahiri was appointed Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mosque to succeed him, by Royal Order No. (68) of 1929 AD, and he became the Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif until he resigned in April of the year 1935 AD. He also became the ruler of the Shafi’i sheikhdom by Royal Order No. (33) of 1931 AD, and he was granted the Grand Sash of the Order of the Nile in 1930 AD. To spread the Islamic call, he also issued “Nour al-Islam Magazine”, which Sheikh Al-Maraghi later changed its name to become “Al-Azhar Magazine”, and it has remained under this name until now. Sheikh Al-Zawahiri was known for his extreme humility. One of the manifestations of this is that when the scholars called him (His Eminence the Greatest Professor), he said: “I am but one of the sheikhs, and I am none other than Abdullah Muhammad Al-Ahmadi, and I do not believe that in my position I am the oldest sheikh in Al-Azhar. Rather, I believe that the eldest is Whoever is is more honorable in the sight of God, and I consider myself nothing but a servant of Al-Azhar and its sons, and not its president and superior.” Among his books are: Al-Muqadar Al-Muqadar Min Ihya’ Ulum Al-Din, Mukhtasar Ihya’ Ulum Al-Din, Muqadar Al-Akhlaq, Al-Ilm wa Al-Ulama’, Al-Kalima Al-Awwal fi Al-Adab and Al-Fahm, and he also has a study of the foundations of jurisprudence. His death: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ahmadi Al-Zawahiri continued to carry the banner of reform in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif until he passed away on Saturday, the twentieth of Jumada Al-Awwal, 1363 AH, corresponding to the thirteenth of May 1944 AD. May God have mercy on him, he was awarded the First Class Medal of Sciences and Arts, forty years after his death, in celebration of the millennium anniversary of Al-Azhar in the year 1403 AH/1983 AD.