"Nuclear plants " Obtains permission to establish a spent fuel storage facility for the Dabaa station

Dr. Amjad Al-Wakil, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority, stated that the Authority had achieved, by the end of 2024, a new step in achieving the Egyptian dream of establishing the first Egyptian nuclear station to generate electricity, as the Authority succeeded in obtaining permission to establish a nuclear fuel storage facility. The consumer of the Dabaa nuclear station, which is in line with the project implementation schedule. The Nuclear Power Plants Authority submitted a request to obtain a construction permit for a spent nuclear fuel storage facility from the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority on June 12, 2024, after completing the necessary documents in accordance with Article No. 13 of the Executive Regulations of the Law No. 7 of 2010 Regulating Nuclear and Radiological Activities and achieving compatibility. Obtaining design and technical documents through specialists from the Nuclear Power Plants Authority. The Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority issued permission to establish a spent nuclear fuel storage facility at its No. 7 session held on December 31, 2024, as a culmination of a series of successful technical meetings between specialists from the Nuclear Power Plants Authority and the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, in addition to a successful inspection visit with the aim of ensuring the readiness of The Nuclear Power Plants Authority to begin the process of establishing a spent nuclear fuel storage facility by representatives of the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority in the period from December 1-5, 2024 at the Dabaa nuclear station site. It is planned that the Nuclear Electricity Generating Stations Authority obtains the construction permit, followed by the start of construction work for the spent nuclear fuel storage facility during the current year. It is worth noting that this step is considered one of the most important milestones in the process of implementing the Dabaa nuclear power plant project, through which the safe storage of spent nuclear fuel that has expired and is consumed as fuel in nuclear reactors will be ensured in dry and safe storage using the highest modern scientific techniques, for a period of up to 100 years. In accordance with the highest standards of nuclear safety and environmental protection, a step that reflects Egypt’s pioneering role in implementing the Egyptian nuclear program in line with national requirements and international standards.