Al -Azhar Mosque held today, Sunday, the Forum of Interpretation and the faces of the weekly Quranic miracle under the title & quot; Manifestations of the Quranic and Prophetic Miracles on climate change & quot; With the participation of Prof./ Saleh Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Undersecretary of the College of Islamic Sciences for Expatriates, Ed/ Mustafa Ibrahim, Professor at the Faculty of Science, Al -Azhar University, and a member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy, and the meeting was moderated by Dr. Mustafa Shishi, Director of the Department of Arwagel Affairs at the Al -Azhar Mosque, and attended by a number Among the researchers and the public of the forum, one of the pioneers of the Al -Azhar Mosque. Something of this universe is only commanded to serve man, for the cosmic system with all its laws that God Almighty set, to regulate the movement of this universe in a consistency between its components that came for the sake of man and to meet the requirements of his life, because man is the successor of God Almighty on earth, but man is costly To maintain this universe in a way that ensures that there is no imbalance in its system that is determined by the Almighty and the Almighty, so & nbsp; The practices that some do and that would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem are corrupt practices & quot; God does not love the spoilers & quot;
& nbsp;
and between the Vice -College of Islamic Sciences for expatriates, The water, although it is a necessity for human life, but today we are facing a real catastrophe due to the excessive use of its use and the pollution that afflicted him as a result of the waste that some throw in the water, from which living organisms were also damaged, indicating that the human being has the most recent pollution caused by human activity that affected the air as well, The Earth was also not spared from human damage due to cutting forest fires to search for fossil fuels that caused many environmental problems, such as global warming and ice melting due to high temperatures, which caused the environmental threat to drown some cities.
Deputy College of Islamic Sciences for Expatriates: The Holy Quran is pictures of us & nbsp; Manifestations & nbsp; The negativity in the deal of man with the environment in the words of the Almighty and the Almighty & quot; Through four axes, the first: in his saying & quot; back & quot; And the appearance is only from the concealment, and it is evidence that these negative effects were present before the revelation of the verse in a sign that man from ancient times and his negative practices affect the environment, & nbsp; Also, the use of the past action in the back of evidence of this corruption, whether moral corruption that appears in the corruption of morals and belief, and the material corruption that appears & nbsp; In practices and behavior, the second axis: it is indicated that the reason for the spread of corruption is what has gained the hands of people and the spread of obscenity among them, so it is in & quot; what I gained & quot; For causation, the third axis: the verse showed the reflection of corruption on the human being to give them some of the ones who worked, so when we see all these manifestations, we must return to God Almighty, the fourth axis: Explanation & nbsp; We have the Holy Qur’an the treatment in his saying, perhaps & quot; they return & quot; that is, to stop harmful practices and to adhere to the approach of truth, glory be to Him & quot; and your Lord was not destroyed by the injustice and its people are dissolved & quot;. & nbsp;
For his part, Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim, member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy, said: The saying of the Almighty and the Almighty & quot; corruption appeared on land and sea with what the hands of people have gained & quot; It came in Surat Al -Rum, & nbsp; As if the Holy Qur’an tells us that the beginning of the emergence of harmful practices on this planet, which affects the entire environment, will appear in the West, because the Romans in the Quranic discourse are directed to the West, and this Quranic fact explains the scientific reports that stated that the industrial revolution that appeared in the West is one of the biggest challenges that It threatens the ecosystem, which took & nbsp; In order to achieve economic growth, by invading many aspects of life, & nbsp; Like the forest fire to use coal and its climate changes. The Scientific Miracles Committee of the Islamic Research Academy, that as a result of the world’s thermal retention due to the increase in the Earth’s temperature to (1.5) degrees Celsius from its normal rate, the world began to realize the danger of & nbsp; Excessive use of non -renewable energy, such as fossil fuel and the resulting gases and problems of desertification and global warming, especially since environmental reports warn of a high temperature at 3 degrees Celsius from its normal rate, which is impossible to live with.
and between a committee member The scientific miracle in the Islamic Research Academy, that due to the imbalance of the ecosystem, many living organisms tried to change their lifestyle due to the corruption of its original environment, such as the polar bear after he found it difficult to find his food in the seas as a result of the pollution that afflicted it, began looking for other alternatives in wildlife from A threat to wild organisms, and that & nbsp; Migratory birds, an imbalance occurred in their destination due to climate change, as a result of the desertification that afflicted them, indicating that there are scientific reports that the melting of the ice threatens to drown many coastal cities and the spread of many diseases, which caused the decrease of state budget by 06.1% of the Global Global Glow , On the system & nbsp; Health to confront the damage of climate changes to humans, which caused & nbsp; The phenomenon of immigration to some creatures, such as some insects that are transmitted from one place to another due to the high temperature, which causes some diseases to be transferred to the new place that migrated to it. The environmentally harmful practices that caused disasters that cannot be avoided by what some countries do in the use of nuclear and biological weapons in order to protect their personal interests, and its effect remains for centuries, adding that the Holy Prophet ﷺ called for protecting the environment and preserving it by saying & quot; if the hour is established In the hands of one of you, it is a prestige, so & quot; & nbsp; It is an invitation to the reconstruction and preservation of the earth until the last hour, and evidence that agriculture is an important thing for the earth by absorbing the plant to the harmful carbon dioxide and the production of useful oxygen gas, which was expressed by the Qur’an by saying & quot; and morning if he breathes & quot; Dr. Mustafa Shishi, Director of the Department of Markets Affairs at the Al -Azhar Mosque, stressed that the environmental challenges that humanity suffers from these days, has warned the Holy Qur’an from it before science reached its causes, and that the Qur’an mentioned the indicators of these challenges through the Almighty saying & quot; Corruption appeared on land and sea With the hands of people & quot, and the corruption referred to in this verse is corruption in general, whether in that moral, economic and environmental corruption and all forms of corruption, as it is practical evidence that the Holy Qur’an left nothing in this universe except to mention its causes as he defined the ways of prevention and treatment from it . On Sunday, every week is held in the Al -Azhar Mosque, under the patronage of the Grand Imam, and under the guidance of the virtue of Dr. Muhammad Al -Dawini, the undersecretary of Al -Azhar, and the forum aims to highlight the meanings and scientific secrets that exist in the Holy Qur’an, and hosts a group of scholars and specialists
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- Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”“