
Normal people reveal what it’s really like dating a professional athlete, including secrets from the bedroom

Dating a professional athlete can be a tricky commitment to make for anyone used to having their partner available on a frequent basis. 

Couples must contend with a gruelling schedule alongside the need to travel frequently, sometimes regularly involving trips that are thousands of miles long. 

Now, people have revealed what it is really like to date a professional athlete, after confessions emerged via a thread on social media platform Reddit. 

Among them were secrets from inside the bedroom while others noted the special treatment they would get for being connected to high-performing sportspeople. 

One user wrote: ‘I dated an international swimmer. He was up every morning at five to swim, came back to eat, cuddle and sleep; then did the same thing in the afternoon. 

‘He was really good at balancing his training and the relationship, which I don’t think I fully appreciated in the moment.

Dating a professional athlete can be a tricky commitment to make for anyone used to having their partner available on a frequent basis

Couples must contend with a gruelling schedule alongside the need to travel frequently, sometimes regularly involving trips that are thousands of miles long

Couples must contend with a gruelling schedule alongside the need to travel frequently, sometimes regularly involving trips that are thousands of miles long

‘His shoulders took up three-quarters of the bed, which I guess was a blessing and curse. The biggest downside was, no matter how much he showered, everything always smelled a bit like chlorine.’

Another said: ‘I dated a pro hockey player that was in the national team. It was smelly’. 

A further comment warned of the dangers of athletes being away for extended periods of time, as a user observed: ‘Friends with a girl who married an NBA star. 

‘Cheating was constant, known, and accepted as the price she paid for being well taken care of and not having to work. 

‘She was very matter of fact about it, and it was kind of sad. Apparently it was only allowed on the road, and there was never to be any side chicks in or around the house.’

A fourth remarked: ‘She was a cross country skiier. Her heart rate was like 38-40 bpm. She had super strong thighs. Could last forever in bed.’ 

More intriguing insight came from an individual who said their wife previously dated an individual who played professional football for the United States. 

They said: ‘My wife dated an American pro soccer player for a bit. Didn’t work out because he was always training. 

Now, people have revealed what it is really like to date a professional athlete, after confessions emerged via a thread on social media platform Reddit .

Now, people have revealed what it is really like to date a professional athlete, after confessions emerged via a thread on social media platform Reddit .

‘He went to practice all day, then came home and had to run 10 miles on the treadmill. Every day. 

‘She got bored hanging out watching him run on a treadmill for a few hours while he watched soccer games. They led very different lives.’

Another chimed in: ‘She got a ton of free clothes from Nike and a lot of special treatment from everyone.’

A further interesting comment touched on how many athletes would be required to order extremely specific items for their meals due to needing to follow a strict diet.

It read: ‘Takes them eight minutes to order dinner at a restaurant’. 

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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