– Foundation deposits and archaeological finds that reveal more secrets of the history of this region during the Ptolemaic era
The Egyptian-Dominican archaeological mission, headed by Dr. Kathleen Martinez and in cooperation with the “Pedro Pedro” University, discovered Enriquez Urena” The National University (the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña), revealed foundation deposits under the southern wall of the outer wall of the Temple of Taposiris Magna, west of Alexandria, containing a variety of archaeological finds and funerary and ritual objects that reveal more about the secrets of this region during the late Ptolemaic period.< /p>
Dr. Muhammad Ismail Khaled pointed out Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said that among the distinguished pieces that were unveiled was a small white marble statue of a lady wearing a royal crown and another limestone bust of a king wearing a “nemese” headdress. Noting that Dr. Kathleen Martinez believes that the discovered statue of the lady belongs to Queen Cleopatra VII, contrary to what many archaeologists see, as the facial features of this statue are completely different from those of Queen Cleopatra VII, so it is likely to belong to one of the princesses.   ;
The mission also found 337 coins, many of which bore the image of Queen Cleopatra VII, and a group of utensils. Ritual pottery, oil lamps, limestone vessels for preserving food and cosmetics, bronze statues, and an amulet in the form of a scarab inscribed with the phrase: “The justice of Ra has risen.” And a bronze ring dedicated to the goddess Hathor, in addition to a group of sherds and pottery vessels dating the temple to the late Ptolemaic period, which shows that the construction of the temple walls dates back to the first century BC.
Dr. Kathleen Martinez explained that the mission also found the remains of a Greek-era temple dating back to the fourth century BC, which was destroyed in the period between the second century BC and the beginning of the AD era. This temple is located near a deep tunnel system extending from Lake Mariout to the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to a large cemetery containing 20 crypts, a cemetery was found under the ancient Taposiris Magna lighthouse with three rooms. Inside one of these rooms, nine busts of White marble and a number of artifacts.
Initial excavations under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea in this area, where the remains of parts of the Temple of Taposiris Magna, resulted in the discovery Human skeletons and large quantities of pottery, which confirms the historical and cultural importance of the site.