Motion of censure, presidential. The morning news from franceinfo on Monday December 2, 2024

Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély
Reading time: 1min

The themes
Motion of censure, towards the fall of Michel Barnier?
Michel Barnier will bring together the group presidents of his majority in the Assembly and the Senate on Monday at 1:45 p.m. facing the risk of censorship from the government. The “common base” which supports the government brings together the Macronists, Modem, Horizons and LR. The Prime Minister will have to confirm to them whether he engages the responsibility of his government to have the Social Security draft budget examined in final reading in the Assembly on Monday at 3 p.m. adopted without a vote by 49.3. If he uses 49.3, the left will table a motion of censure which would be examined on Wednesday or Thursday. The RN announced that it wanted to vote on this motion, which would cause the overthrow of the government.
Presidential, towards a common candidate from the left?
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who is calling for the resignation of Emmanuel Macron, has made an offer of services to be the sole candidate of the left. As for Lucie Castets and Marine Tondelier, they are launching a call for “a common candidate” for the next presidential election, with an online platform “Let’s win together”. “
The guests
Myriam Encaouapresenter of the show “It’s looking at you” on LCP
Jean-Jérôme Bertoluspolitical columnist at France Info TV
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