Mother-of-five made to swallow wedding ring before being brutally murdered by her husband was failed by police, inquest rules

A mother-of-five who was brutally killed by her violent husband was failed by two police forces before her death, an inquest has found.
Lucy-Anne Rushton, 30, was murdered by Shaun Dyson in a ‘prolonged attack’ in 2019 during which he stamped, kicked and jumped on her and made her swallow her wedding ring.
But authorities missed several opportunities to intervene and officers made poor decisions when they visited her just weeks before her death, a coroner told the inquest at Winchester Coroner’s Court heard.
A year before the fatal attacks, officers were called to an altercation between the couple at a hotel in Bournemouth, Dorset, when they were overheard arguing in their room with Dyson calling the mother of five a ‘drunken slut’.
Police were also notified when a month before Ms Rushton’s death, her brother went to the cops to report Dyson for taking photos of him sexually abusing his wife on her 30th birthday.
Neither of these incidents were properly followed up by the investigating forces, with Dorset Police failing to secure CCTV evidence of the hotel altercation and Hampshire Constabulary failing to complete a risk assessment.
One of Ms Rushton’s children also made comments at primary school about violence at home which were not referred to children’s services.
When the matter was eventually referred, just days before Ms Rushton’s death, children’s services declined the referral.
Mother-of-five Lucy-Anne Rushton who was brutally killed by her violent husband was failed by two police forces, a primary school and child services

Shaun Dyson murdered the 30-year-old in a ‘prolonged attack’ during which he made her swallow her wedding ring

Dyson killed Ms Rushton in an early morning assault at her home in Andover, in June 2019. Rushton and Dyson are pictured on their wedding day
In June 2019, Dyson killed Ms Rushton in the early morning assault at her home in Andover, Hants where he stamped, kicked and jumped on her.
Now, after a three week inquest, the jury have recorded a unanimous narrative conclusion highlighting the failings in the lead up to Ms Rushton’s unlawful killing.
The jury chairperson said: ‘The relationship between both parties was abusive and violent, the relationship made a material impact on her death.
‘In 2018 they were staying at a hotel in Bournemouth, a 999 call was made, police responded and when questioned by police [Ms Rushton] denied any altercation.
‘CCTV evidence showed a physical confrontation, this was not secured by police, a public protection notice issued by the police was submitted three weeks after.
‘This was received by the home local authority [Hampshire County Council], this was not actioned…
‘The children attended a local primary school, one child reported violence at home, the school did not refer this to child services.

Murder victim Lucy-Anne Rushton with her mother Myra Simpson
‘A referral was made on 7 June, 2019, following sizeable concerns, the referral was declined by child services.
‘On 30 May, concerning photos were shared with the police, several lines of inquiry were not followed and a risk assessment was not completed.
‘Lucy-Anne Rushton died on 23 June 2019 as a result of a prolonged, brutal attack, Lucy-Anne Rushton was unlawfully killed.’
A public protection notice records safeguarding concerns about an adult or child that is shared between organisations.
Speaking after the jury delivered their conclusion, assistant coroner for Hampshire Darren Stuart said he plans to write a prevention of future deaths report highlighting ‘shortcomings’ that give him ’cause for concern’.
He said: ‘In relation to Hampshire Police the contact with Ms Rushton on 30 May, 2019, in particular, with the passing on of images and consideration of those images constituting a criminal offence and action around that.
‘The failure to complete a formal risk assessment or issue a public protection notice following contact between police and Ms Rushton on May 31, poor decision making and rationale by police on duty.
‘In relation to the school.. to address the approach to record keeping, at the time there were records being kept of a paper nature that were not recorded on the online system.
‘Failures in relation to those shortcomings are ones that give me cause for concern in relation to future deaths.’
He also gave his condolences to Ms Rushton’s family, represented by her mother, Myra Simpson, and her son, Luke Simpson, and apologised for the length of time since her death.
‘Five years to see the end of this process is far too long a period of time,’ Mr Stuart said.
‘I regret sincerely that it has taken this long.
‘I understand that this has had a profound impact on the family with young children losing a mother.
‘I am sure the jury will join me in extending heartfelt condolences for your terrible loss.’
A tribute from Ms Rushton’s family was read out at the inquest by the coroner’s officer, Patrick Parker.
Ms Rushton’s son, also called Luke, 19, said: ‘My mum was a very caring person, I have really happy memories of her taking us on holiday to Spain.
‘I will remember her as someone who made people laugh, she was a brilliant mum.’
The tribute continued: ‘Lucy was killed in the most disturbing way.
‘All we have is memories and photos.’
‘She was the best mum and loved her children more than anything in the world.
‘[Dyson] has destroyed and divided our family.’
Dyson was convicted of Ms Rushton’s murder and sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 17 years.