‘More painful than childbirth’: Women reveal eye-watering tales of sex with men with very large penises – and what bedding men with tiny ones is like too

Women have laid bare their experiences of bedding extraordinarily well-endowed men — in eye-watering detail — on an epic Reddit thread.
With more than 7,700 responses, it also features accounts of those who have made love to men with small members — with brutal honesty.
However the overall verdict is that bigger is not always — if ever — better.
A recurring theme from women with larger partners is summed up by one post, liked more than 5,000 times: ‘He used his size as a reason to not really try in bed’.
Others recounted physical challenges — shockingly, sex with a large-penised man dislodged one woman’s contraceptive IUD — and even excruciating pain.
‘During sex, it felt great, I guess because of the adrenaline’ commented one, in a post with 16,000 likes. ‘But afterwards, I was doubled over. It felt like my cervix had been drop kicked by Chuck Norris.’
Another suggested childbirth was less ‘traumatic’, adding that it was ‘like being repeatedly gut punched because the dude had no idea what he was doing.’
While reviews for men with smaller willies weren’t uniformly positive, there were clearly fans of more petite gentlemen.
Size can also be a factor when it comes to pain during sex, according to a Reddit thread that revealed the best and worst experiences women have had in the bedroom
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As one poster wrote — receiving more than 1,000 likes: ‘Was with a gent that didn’t have much to work with, but he sure knew how! OMG he was amazing.
‘He had game in all the sexual departments, so… guys worried about being small, don’t. Just learn the art.’
And it wasn’t just women who weren’t all-that impressed with extra large penises.
Men who’d slept with other men weighed in on the debate, with similarly frank accounts.
‘Bi guy here,’ wrote one. ‘I hooked up with a guy whose c**k was as thick as his forearm.
‘I tried giving him head but couldn’t… we ended up just making out.
‘Huge dicks are visually very attractive to me but in practice I can’t do much with them.’
According to research published in the British Journal of Urology International the average flaccid penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length.
Meanwhile, the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long.
The corresponding girth measurements are 9.31 cm (3.66 inches) for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) for an erect one.
However these sizes vary by country. Ecuadorian men have an average erect length of nearly 7 inches (17.6cm), according to recent German research.
At the other end of the scale, Cambodian men are said to have a mean size of just under 4 inches (10cm).
Britain came in 68th place with a penis size of 5.2in (13.1cm) and America in 60th place at 5.4in (13.5cm).
As the Reddit thread proves, size does matter — no matter what anyone claims. However, according to research, it’s more a matter of taste.
A recent study found that women preferred a long-term partner with a penis that was 6.3in (16cm) in length and 4.8in (12.2cm) in circumference.
They looked for something slightly larger in one of or ‘casual’ partners.
However the same research found a quarter of women had ended relationships due to a ‘mismatch’ between their their penis size preference and their partners actual size.
It also found that women believed men with very large penises were more likely to have sexually transmitted infections.
Whether large or small, honesty, however, counts for a lot.
The important thing, according to numerous posters on the Reddit mega-thread, was not to over-sell.
‘Had a tinder hookup… he was talking big game about his dick… so I was eager to meet up.
‘When I get there he whips it out and I swear, he had to have three inches, max.
‘The condom was almost too big for him. In all honesty, it was the worst sex I’ve ever had. I didn’t feel anything, he only lasted a minute or two.
‘When I was ranting about it to my friends, one of them pointed out that although it was a bad situation for me, think of how embarrassed he was.
‘Still, just don’t talk mad game and then disappoint like that.’