Moment Scottish man erupts at Gen Z vaper on train: ‘Put your f***ing wee vape in your pocket and lock it!’

A Scottish man grew red with anger as he unleashed a swearing tirade on the train against a Gen Z vaper insisting the youngster put the ‘wee’ device back in his ‘f***ing pocket’.

The fuming commuter said he was ‘not kidding around’ in shocking video footage of the row while other passengers tried to suppress their laughter.

Giving a piece of his mind, the Scotsman shouted: ‘I’ve smoked for 50 years. If I can go eight hours without a cigarette flying away abroad, you can go more than two minutes without a f***in’ vape in your poofy wee f***in’ face.’

The Gen Zer at one point responded ‘You could have at least asked politely,’ to which the enraged critic shouted back: ‘I could’ve punched your c*** in without f***ing asking you.’

One lone support can be heard in the video saying ‘here, here’ as the man goes full steam ahead with his rant.

People have taken to TikTok to share their view on the footage, thought to have been shot in Glasgow, with many users supportive of the Scotsman.

Someone said: ‘Legend. Need more people like this challenging inconsiderate behaviour.’

Another added: ‘I miss having adults like this in society.’

A Scottish man grew red with anger as he unleashed a swearing tirade on the train against a Gen Z vaper

The fuming commuter said he was 'not kidding around' in shocking video footage of the row while other passengers tried to suppress their laughter

The fuming commuter said he was ‘not kidding around’ in shocking video footage of the row while other passengers tried to suppress their laughter

But others suggested the commuter could have taken a more tempered tone, saying ‘no need to threaten him he could have been a bit nicer coz the young lad didn’t give him cheek but he shouldn’t be vaping on a train’.

However, someone commented in response: ‘You aren’t from Scotland, are you?’

Vaping on a train in the UK – or on a platform – is prohibited and any passenger caught doing so could face fines.

Police say offenders should be reported to the British transport police.

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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