Men are being shamed for ‘grunting’ and ‘slurping’ while attending fitness classes like hot yoga and Pilates

Men are being shamed online for attending expensive boutique fitness classes as female content creators call them out for grunting, slurping, and breathing heavily.
On TikTok, women have been speaking out about not wanting men to frequent their intimate, expensive workout classes and some men have been taking to social media to ask if they’d feel uncomfortable joining a hot yoga or Pilates sculpting class.
It’s become a hot topic, as women say they don’t want to workout in a small studio with a strange man, while others say they’d like to bring their significant other or believe fitness should be accessible to everyone.
A TikTok creator named Alexandra, who’s based in Miami, Florida, explained exactly why she doesn’t approve of men joining her group fitness classes.
After taking a hot yoga class with multiple men, she said there was one who was doing push-ups before class, grunting, heavily breathing, and slurping his water, which disrupted her quiet, zen experience.
‘Why must you take up more space than you naturally do? Why can’t you be seen and not heard?’ Alexandra asked, adding, ‘It’s annoying and we all secretly hate you.’
Her commenters agreed, complaining ‘they grunt the entire class’ and are always ‘making more noise than EVERYONE else.’
Alexandra isn’t the only creator who feels this way – one content creator named rilezzz shared a video where she said, ‘Not to be dramatic or anything, but if a man is in my Pilates class, my day is automatically ruined. It’s over, cancelled!’
Men are being shamed online for attending expensive boutique fitness classes as female content creators call them out for grunting, slurping, and breathing heavily (stock image)

Some men have been taking to social media to ask if they’d feel uncomfortable during group fitness classes (stock image)
Some women completely agreed that men shouldn’t even think about walking in the door, while others called the belief offensive.
‘I’m an instructor and Pilates isn’t for the girls only! This is so sexist,’ one appalled teacher replied.
The creator explained, ‘I feel so much more comfortable when it’s just women sorry it’s the truth.’
‘Wait me as the teacher secretly agreeing,’ another Pilates pro weighed in.
‘Agreed. There’s a guy who goes to my pure barre sometimes and I’m like GTFOOOO read the room!!!!!’ a commenter chimed in.
Many women said they liked bringing their boyfriends or husbands to class with them, with one joking, ‘I love to bring my man’s to Pilates to humble him.’
There were also male commenters who had been debating taking workout classes until they found the video.
One ‘felt it would be a great glute workout since I never do ’em myself,’ but after reading the comments said ‘guess not now.’

Solidcore is a hit with celebrities including Sydney Sweeney, who told WSJ. Magazine, ‘It’s a full-body high-intensity workout but on a reformer, and it’s been killing my ass. I love it’

Some women completely agreed that men shouldn’t even think about walking in the door, while others called the belief sexist
Men flocked to Reddit to see if they’d be welcome in boutique workout classes or feel deeply uncomfortable.
‘I wanted to try out solidcore and was curious if guys attend the classes. I would feel a little weird if I would be the only guy in class,’ one gentleman asked about the wildly popular megaformer Pilates chain.
Solidcore is a hit with celebrities including Sydney Sweeney, who told WSJ. Magazine, ‘It’s a full-body high-intensity workout but on a reformer, and it’s been killing my ass. I love it.’
‘There are some people online with the “Pilates princess” rhetoric but [solidcore] is an incredible workout and for everyone,’ one commenter replied, referencing the Gen Z aesthetic that embraces matching Alo sets and takes inspiration from balletcore.
However, they did warn ‘There is a high chance of you being the only guy, depending on where you are located.’
One commenter approved, as long as the man in question behaved himself.
‘Guys attend. Just exercise self awareness so you aren’t annoying, in other words, No grunting or being audibly vocal in your fatigue.