
Married At First Sight’s Lauren Hall is slammed by the experts for calling her co-stars ‘boganic’ before she and groom Clint Rice sensationally QUIT

Married At First Sight’s Lauren Hall has been sensationally slammed by the judges after an explosive commitment ceremony saw her and her on-screen husband Clint Rice leave the show.

The reality star was called out by the experts on the couch on Sunday’s episode after she used an array of offensive slurs towards her fellow participants.

After referring to the group as ‘boganic’ in front of the experts, John Aiken held the wife accountable, asking: ‘What does that mean?’

‘It is bogan behaviour,’ she said, before adding: ‘Classless. It’s just lacking class I would say.”

When the other wives and grooms began to pipe up in their defence, Lauren put them down: ‘You’re embarrassing. Please just stop talking to me’ she said.

‘Do we have a curtain that we can pull across?’

Married At First Sight’s Lauren Hall has been sensationally slammed by the judges after an explosive commitment ceremony saw her and her on-screen husband Clint Rice (both pictured) leave the show

The damning question sparked John to question the wife and her behaviour.

‘Now, Lauren. I’ve got an issue because you’ve thrown some words around here tonight – psycho, animals, I don’t associate with this type of person.” 

‘You talk as though you’re above them and they’re way below you,’ he said.

‘Do you think you’re better than them?’ he asked, before telling her: ‘Because that’s what you’re saying to them.’

After mulling it over, Lauren responded: “At the dinner parties and at the couple’s retreat, I definitely do feel like I would not behave the way that they behave in social situations. 

‘So, for that reason, yes. I do feel like my behavour is better,’ she asserted.

Later on, after Adrian berated her behaviour from the sidelines, John asked the wife: ‘How do you explain the fact that the group’s  turned on you particularly?’

As Lauren went on to blame her ‘cold, hard exterior’ and the time it take for her to ‘drop my walls’, she concluded that it may be down to her ‘resting b*tch face’ that they had taken her the wrong way, a response that saw some eyebrows raised in the group. 

As Lauren went on to blame her 'cold, hard exterior' and the time it take for her to 'drop my walls', she concluded that it may be down to her 'resting b*tch face'

As Lauren went on to blame her ‘cold, hard exterior’ and the time it take for her to ‘drop my walls’, she concluded that it may be down to her ‘resting b*tch face’  

‘I am shy,’ she told John. ‘I am very closed off to begin with.’

It was this that triggered expert Mel Schilling into interrupting the bride. 

‘Nah, this time I’ve gotta jump in,’ she said.

‘There is a clear difference between being shy and being rude or being disrespectful.

‘I think you’re giving yourself a little bit too much credit here personality-wise because what we’re seeing, in terms of the pattern that you’re displaying here, is rudeness, Lauren.’

She went on: ‘John asked you earlier if you  see yourself as above the rest of the group. 

‘Well certainly, as outsiders observing you, even your non-verbal communication, we would say it’s a resounding “yes”‘ she revealed.

Following Mel’s devastating blow to the bride, Lauren put it to people’s incorrect perception of her that they thought she was rude. 

Following the heated debate, Lauren and her on-screen husband Clint Rice revealed their decision to leave the experiment, citing that it was more of a 'friendship' between them

Following the heated debate, Lauren and her on-screen husband Clint Rice revealed their decision to leave the experiment, citing that it was more of a ‘friendship’ between them

‘But I think that’s the problem, though,’ she said, adding: ‘That’s how I’m perceived.’

‘That’s your problem!’ Mel clarified

The expert advised Lauren to look within: ‘So, what I think would be helpful here for you, in terms of your own development, is to start asking yourself: “What am I doing that’s making them feel that way toward me?”‘

She went on: ‘I mean, you’ve acknowledged some of the words – “the bogans”, “the losers” and so on.

‘But apart from that, I mean, are you aware of some of the throwaway comments, for example, the passive-aggresive barbs that you’re throwing out to the group or the eye-rolling, you know, the really looking down on these people?’

Dodging Mel’s questions, the reality star went onto the defensive and called out the group’s actions. 

‘I feel like in the same conversations though, they’re calling me names as well,’ she said.

Mel retorted: ‘Again, you’re only blaming them,’ adding: ‘I’m only talking about you.’

The pair then sensationally left the commitment ceremony together, storming out following their time on the couch, shocking the experts

The pair then sensationally left the commitment ceremony together, storming out following their time on the couch, shocking the experts 

‘As a mature adult, one of your jobs is to take accountability for what you do and say. 

‘So, my concern here is that you’re choosing to not look at that stuff at the moment. 

‘I mean, are you able to do that now?’ she asked.

The bride, seemingly uninterested in the turn the conversation had taken, halfheartedly replied: ‘Yeah, it’s definitely something that I can work on.’

Following the heated debate, Lauren and her on-screen husband Clint revealed their decision to quit the experiment, citing that it was more of a ‘friendship’ between them. 

‘We said we are friends, we’ve been friends from the beginning and we’ll continue to be friends outside. That is what we’ve discussed,’ Lauren said, as her fellow participants snickered and disagreed with her. 

The pair then sensationally left the commitment ceremony together, storming out following their time on the couch.  

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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