Today, Sunday, Al-Azhar Mosque held a weekly forum on interpretation and aspects of Quranic miracles under the title “Manifestations of the Miracle in the Creation of Flies” With the participation of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Sawy, former representative of the Faculty of Islamic Da’wah, and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim, professor at the Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, and member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy. The meeting was moderated by Dr. Mustafa Shishi, Director of the Department of Corridor Affairs at Al-Azhar Mosque, and a number of people were present. From the researchers and audience of the forum, from the pioneers of Al-Azhar Mosque.
At the beginning of the forum, His Eminence Dr. Mahmoud Al-Sawy, professor at the College of Islamic Da’wah, said that the Qur’an is the word of God Almighty to humanity, and it is a connection between heaven and earth through revelation, and it is a speech directed to all of humanity. Therefore, it includes verses that can be used to establish evidence for everything, and the miracle contained in the Qur’anic verses. Of the secrets of this universe, one of the most important tools for calling to God Almighty, because of the rational arguments and proofs it contains, especially in the era of the tyranny of materialism, for which this is not appropriate. The type of rational discourse.
Al-Sawy explained that the one who contemplates the Qur’anic verses from a scientific perspective finds that there is complementarity between the written Book of God, which is the Holy Qur’an, and the visible Book of God, which is the universe. Through cosmic evidence that confirms the Islamic truths contained in the Holy Qur’an, because the Holy Qur’an is the word of God and the universe created it, and many scientists have reached God Almighty through the scientific discoveries that they have found. It is consistent with what the Holy Qur’an told us more than 14 centuries ago.
For his part, Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim, a member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy, said: There are many scientists in many countries of the world who formed work teams to try to create flies, but they failed, because creation is one of the attributes of God Almighty, and no human being, whoever he may be, can create even a single cell. This is why the challenge came. In the Holy Qur’an to emphasize the inability of man to create even a fly, indicating that if flies take away anything from a person, whether food or drink, the person cannot save him from it. If we look, for example, at the element “sugar” Which the flies eat, we would find that the flies secrete another element to transform it into a different element, and if scientists gathered to extract sugar from the fly’s body, they would not be able to because it has been transformed into another element with a different composition, through the tools that God placed in the fly’s mouth, with which it can transform elements into elements. Other different things, which is what the Holy Qur’an talked about hundreds of years ago, and which is what science discovered in the process of flies sucking blood from a living organism, as they secrete anesthetic substances in order to absorb blood, and this process takes two minutes, and flies secrete a substance that prevents It coagulates the blood for easy absorption, then converts the blood into proteins to feed on, sugar and fats, which is an emphasis on the Qur’anic meaning that a person cannot salvage what a fly has stolen.
A member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy added that the flies’ feet have a different structure that enables them to stand on all surfaces without any disturbance in their balance, and the fly has two breathing holes distributed throughout the body. On both sides of the body, the fly has a high degree of smell, enabling it to identify spoiled foods over long distances, in order to lay eggs on them, because it is scientifically known that flies only lay their eggs on spoiled foods or decaying things, and with the emergence of forensic entomology, the importance of flies in Explaining some matters related to the date of death of the corpse. Each stage of the fly’s eggs indicates the time period of death, because the life cycle of flies from the time they lay their eggs until the fly emerges from them and flies continues for a period of time. A week.
A member of the Scientific Miracles Committee at the Islamic Research Academy explained that forensic entomology is used to uncover the criminal circumstances in terrorist operations, through the unique ability granted by God. Glory be to God Almighty for insects, to interact with forensic evidence, especially flies, which are among the first insects to arrive at the scene of the crime. This method depends on analyzing the elements carried by the insects and comparing them with the samples that were examined with the suspects. Also, Flies indicate the detection of torture to which some individuals are subjected, through the presence of some insects. The fly that found traces of semen is also analysed, as evidence of rape events. The source of the smuggling of some narcotic substances is also known through the insects present in it.
As Dr. Mustafa Shishi emphasized, scientific research and studies in their progressive and evolutionary path always reveal to us the power of God. Glory be to Him and His secrets that He placed in the Holy Qur’an, which is what we seek to explain in the " Interpretation and aspects of the Qur’anic miracle, “to understand the great and sublime meanings that came in the Holy Qur’an, so that we may increase our fear of God Almighty. Learning about the secrets and miraculous aspects in the Qur’an would increase faith and fear, and for this reason God praised those who attained knowledge in His saying: "Say: Believe in it or do not believe. Indeed, those who were given knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, bow down to their chins in prostration * and say, Glory be to Him. Our Lord, if the promise of our Lord is to be fulfilled * And they bow down to their chins, weeping, and their humility increases. Quranic " It is held on Sunday every week in the Al-Azhar Mosque, under the patronage of His Eminence the Grand Imam and under the guidance of His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Al-Duwaini, Undersecretary of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. The forum aims to highlight the meanings and scientific secrets found in the Holy Qur’an, and hosts an elite group of scholars and specialists.