
Man reveals his lucrative side hustle that requires no work

Work smarter not harder – at least that’s what one man is doing.

The Ohio-based Brandon Schlichter often shares his tips and tricks for creating successful businesses on social media, where he has earned a legion of loyal fans hanging on his every word.

Schlichter owns two vending machines – which cost him $1,400 to purchase.

One of them stocks sodas, and the other snacks, with Schlichter revealing how much in extra cash he makes from them weekly.

The business-savvy entrepreneur, who posts under @investmentjoy, explained he buys the soda for 50 cents a can, selling it for $1.

He pays someone to come and stock the machine, and will collect the money every week, counting it out in one viral video.

Schlichter took viewers through the collection one week, counting up the coins and notes.

In total, he made $249 for one week’s ‘work’, which would equal around $900 a month – give or take.

‘Not bad for a week’s worth of non-work,’ he said triumphantly. 

The Ohio-based Brandon Schlichter often shares his tips and tricks for creating successful businesses to social media

In addition to the extra cash from the machines, Schlichter own and runs a laundromat and roofing business. 

Vending machines have become popular with people wanting to earn a bit of extra cash.

Previously, a South Carolina woman called Jade Davis explained she bought a vending machine for just $250 and made nearly $150 in three weeks — after selling the snacks for just around 50 cents each. 

In her video posted to TikTok, Davis first shared how she and her fiancée, Will, bought the vending machine, and rushed over to Sam’s Club, where they spent $315 on snacks plus the cost of the $45 annual membership. 

In total, she said, the original investment only cost the couple $615 — a steal as vending machines alone can go for over $1,000, according to NerdWallet.

The couple are now continuing to add new offerings to the machine based on fellow TikTokers’ suggestions, and are revealing what items have sold well — including Honey Buns, Nutty Buddies and Goldfish — as well as which snacks have not been profitable, like cheddar puffs and Skittles.

At the same time, they are encouraging others to get into the snack on-demand business.

Another vending machine enthusiastic, Marcus Gram, also revealed he earned $300,000 a year in profit, he wrote in a column for CNBC in 2022.

Schlichter owns two vending machines - which cost him $1400 to purchase - revealing he makes some extra cash weekly from them

Schlichter owns two vending machines – which cost him $1400 to purchase – revealing he makes some extra cash weekly from them

Gram shared how he had been living with his mother in Rochester, New York working a $17-per-hour managerial job hoping to save up enough money to purchase a rental property that could generate passive income.

‘But one day, a new side hustle idea sparked when my friend saw a woman taking cash out of a vending machine.’

He then moved to Philadelphia, and bought two machines, making $5,000 in his first year.

Gram now operates 21 vending machines throughout Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit and Washington DC and is on track to generate more than $50,000 in sales by the end of the year.

He also started offering an online class on how to start a vending machine company, as well as selling an eBook on the process — making $90,000 from that, and is now planning to launch a one-on-one coaching and consulting program.

His goal, he said, is to expand his business into more states, build up a team and eventually open a vending machine warehouse of his own.

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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