At exactly 8:28am AEDT this November 16, our next Full Moon reaches it fullest point. As its fullest point comes in the morning of Saturday 16, it will appear full on both the Friday and Saturday night – making a spectacular display as it starts to rise in the sky around sunset.
This November Full Moon is a Supermoon and will be the last Supermoon we get until October 2025. So do take the time to look up and appreciate the view, you’ll won’t see it again for a while.
Also known at the Beaver Moon, this particular Full Moon draws its name from colonial American, Native American and some European sources. As this Moon falls at the time of year that Beavers begin to go into hibernation, the name caught on. Of course for those in the Southern Hemisphere who experience the seasons in opposition, the name does not make a whole lot of sense. Regardless, many all over the globe still refer to the November Full Moon as the Beaver Moon.
When is the best time to see the November Supermoon?
Point your eyes to the horizon at roughly 6:30-7pm AEDT. The Moon will always look larger and brighter the closer it is to the horizon – and typically it is lowest around sunset.
As a general rule, Supermoons can appear 20-25 per cent bigger than some other Full Moons. As such, this Full Moon will create quite the spectacle as it emerges in the sky on the horizon.
Our Taurus Moon, here’s what you can expect
Full Moons are the apex of the Moon Cycle. This is the point where the energy of the current cycle reaches a peak before parabolically turning and eventually reaching a trough at the New Moon. As a result, Full Moons are considered to be the most intense and almost wild moments of the Moon Cycle.
Some people find Full Moons to be tense. They can be highly emotional and evoke brash moments that are intensely charged. Others seem Full Moons as an opportunity for illumination, revealing the forces at work and exposing truths for better or worse. Either way, they can be immensely transformative depending on the influencing energies at the time. Of course, this Full Moon is also a Supermoon which has the impact of amplifying the experiences of the moment. Brace yourself for a supercharged affair.
Of course, we need to look at the Moon’s placement at this time to understand its full impact. At this time the Moon will be in the last degrees of Taurus before moving into Gemini in the early evening of Saturday 16. Taurus as we know is a sign of creature comforts. Taurus loves nothing more than to live a languid life indulging in good food and luxury products. Both stubborn and loyal, Taurus is not a fan of change and prefers to stick its head in the sand if it means enjoying the moment.
It is this influence felt on the inner most side of ourselves that will have us craving the comfort of luxury, routine and our homes. Your favourite Friday night restaurant will be calling your name, even if you’ve just tightened your dining out budget. All the of November sales will feel especially tempting. And a cosy night of movies and wine in comfortable pants will feel far more enticing than any house party. Ultimately Taurus will be encouraging and near begging you to indulge yourself and live your life embedded in your creature comforts.
If you have strong Earth placements in your natal chart, you will find yourself craving a renewed sense of stability that Taurus desires. But of course, things don’t always work out this way. And you will need to prepare yourself to deal with some teachable moments.
Are there any pitfalls to watch out for during the Taurus Supermoon in November?
There will be a few. Our Moon will be in conjunction with Uranus, in trine with Neptune and in a sextile with Pluto. These are thankfully all considered to be harmonious alignments, but they do signal change and transformation. And as we have discussed, Taurus is not the biggest fan of change.
Outwardly, we are influenced by Scorpio, a sign that encourages us to save face. But inwardly, Taurus will have us feeling deeply uncomfortable with any sudden moves. Uranus is known in particular as a planet of surprises and is known for throwing curve balls. However, it will still be in retrograde at this time, mellowing out the suddenness of its sharp turns – which should allow for some breathing room to adjust. The Pluto sextile builds on this theme. As a planet, Pluto is known as the ruler of transformation, another placement that doesn’t at all align with stubborn Taurus. Currently sitting in no-nonsense Capricorn, Pluto will not necessarily allow you the grace or time you need to adjust. Instead, it may pragmatically thrust change upon you for the sake of efficiency.
Helpfully, we will have Neptune by our side. Neptune, which is also still in retrograde, can help us unmask truths, which will have the benefit of guiding us in the right direction during any periods of change.
Ultimately, this Supermoon means that we will need to get comfortable with change, big or small. It may feel uncomfortable in the short term, but you will need to embrace it rather than resist, especially if you have no choice in the matter. And remember that Taurus is always soothed by a reconnection with nature. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, the best therapy might be to go outside and touch some grass – literally.
Image: Tim McCartney on Unsplash