Leading"The future of a homeland": Israeli statements against Saudi Arabia are a miserable attempt to change historical and geographical facts

Counselor Abdel Nasser Khalil, member of the Central Secretariat for Egyptians Abroad, expressed a party & laquo; the future of the homeland & raquo; On his strong condemnation of the irresponsible statements issued by the Israeli side, which incites against the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and demands the construction of a Palestinian state on its territory, stressing that these statements are a flagrant provocation to the feelings of Arab and Islamic peoples, and is considered a blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is considered A sovereign state and an active and pivotal member in the international community.
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He said & rdquo; The Al Saud, and his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman, is a strategic and deep partner for Egypt and the entire Arab nation, and always stands at the forefront of countries supporting Arab issues, especially the Palestinian issue, which remains the central issue of the Arabs, and any attempt to undermine the sovereignty of the Kingdom Or prejudice its position is not acceptable at all, and you will only find rejection and condemnation from all Arabs and Muslims.
& nbsp; The Egyptian position, led by President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi, is clear and explicit in his full support for the rights and sovereignty of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on its territory, pointing out that Egypt and the Kingdom have close historical relations, based on mutual respect and cooperation in all fields, and we do not and will not allow any external party that It differentiates between our two brotherly peoples or affects our strategic relationship.
& nbsp; The Palestinian issue is a fair issue, but its solution will not be at the expense of the sovereignty of any Arab or Islamic country, but rather a fair solution lies in establishing an independent Palestinian state on the lands of 1967, and its capital is East Jerusalem, according to the Arab Initiative for Peace and International Legitimacy Decisions, noting that any Talk about resettlement of the Palestinians outside their lands is something that is totally rejected, and it is an attempt to liquidate the Palestinian issue and disperse its people.
& nbsp; Saudi Arabia, and I confirm that Egypt will always remain supportive of its siblings in the Kingdom, in defense of Arab national security and the interests of our common nation.
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- Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”“